So much for the myriad claims about going “beyond coal.” According to a new report from the Rhodium Group, U.S. coal consumption jumped by 17 percent last year compared to 2020 levels. That’s a huge increase, which Rhodium says was “largely driven by a run-up in natural gas prices.” Rather than burn gas, which averaged about $4.93 per million Btu last year — more than two times the price in 2020 — many electricity producers chose to burn coal instead.The surge in domestic coal use is … [Read more...]
How About A Pilot Project To Demonstrate The Feasibility Of Fully Wind/Solar/Battery Electricity Generation?
At this current crazy moment, most of the “Western” world (Europe, the U.S., Canada, Australia) is hell-bent on achieving a “net-zero” energy system. As I understand this concept, it means that, within two or three decades, all electricity production will be converted from the current mostly-fossil-fuel generation mix to almost entirely wind, solar, and storage. On top of that, all or nearly all energy consumption that is not currently electricity (e.g., transportation, industry, heat, … [Read more...]
Are Climate Lockdowns Coming Because of a ‘Climate Emergency’? (No, It’s Not a Conspiracy Theory)
In early December, the Washington Post reported that because of climate change, snow in the Mountain West "may vanish for years at a time." The headline did not age well.Only days later it started to snow in the West.And snow.And snow.An incredible photo on Twitter showed a towering wall of snow on Donner Summit in California around Christmas.Lake Tahoe got 18 feet of snow in December, an all-time record.In Virginia, some motorists were stuck on I-95 for more than 24 hours … [Read more...]
Cornwall Alliance Scholar Demonetized by Google has been demonetized by Google for “unreliable and harmful claims.” This means I can no longer generate revenue to support the website using the Google Adsense program.From a monetary standpoint, it’s not a big deal because what I make off of Google ads is in the noise level of my family’s monthly budget. It barely made more than I pay in hosting fees and an (increasingly expensive) comment spam screener.I’ve been getting Google warnings for a couple of months now about “policy … [Read more...]
Environmentalism has lost its way
Driven by climate madness, the environmental movement has become the greatest advocate of destructive industrial development in history.As Kant said: “To will the end is to will the means”. In this case, the means to the phantom end of climate control have led environmentalists to abandon all of their principles. Solar and wind require environmental destruction on an unprecedented scale. Electrification requires the use of toxic chemicals on a similar scale. The hazardous waste stream is … [Read more...]
You May Want to Wish for Coal in Your Christmas Stocking
Adding to already rough and rising winter energy prices, Santa may have little choice but to pass along inflationary gift delivery reindeer flatulence fees.Yes, if he and his formerly merry elves didn’t already have problems enough with sky-high supply chain costs and delays, Democrat grinches are pushing a penalty tax on methane producers, Rudolph presumably included.To this end, a recently passed U.S. House bill would impose an escalating “fee” on oil and gas industry methane emission releases … [Read more...]
The Real Climate And Health Crisis
Climate policies promoted and imposed by President Biden and Democrats are based on junk science, headline-grabbing scare stories, and computer models that create far-fetched “scenarios” asserting that fossil fuel use and emissions will cause Earth to warm by 4 degrees C (7 F)over the next 80 years, and cause Arctic warming that will bring colder winters.Those dire predictions are used to justify more taxpayer-funded “research,” like a recent Columbia University “mortality cost of … [Read more...]
Shocking News About Climate Change in America
I got this email today:I am a student at City of Glasgow College and as part of the Cop26 summit we have been tasked to find comments on how climate change has affected your life and your country. We are looking for around 50-100 words.My response will probably come as a shock:Hard data from IPCC and NOAA (not GCMs, which grossly exaggerate CO2’s warming and its consequences) show no increase in frequency or severity of extreme weather in America (or the world); increasing financial losses from … [Read more...]
Insurance Industry Plays on Climate Fears
A Bloomberg News story today titled "Why Snow, Hail, and Wildfire Are Expensive for Insurance Industry" chalks up massive insurance losses this year to climate change."Climate change is exacerbating extreme and freak weather events so rapidly that even the insurance industry is struggling to keep up," the story says."Late last week," it continues, "reinsurance giant Swiss Re AG released its mid-year insurance losses and the figures were the second-highest on record. Insurers had … [Read more...]
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