Image: Created Commons under UnsplashFor decades, the public has been told climate researchers understand and have accurately modeled “climate sensitivity,” defined as the average global temperature rise we should expect following a doubling of CO2 concentration in the atmosphere compared to pre-industrial levels. Yet, climate models routinely run too hot, both hindcasting (unless their outputs or the measured data is adjusted to conform) and forecasting far more warming than is actually … [Read more...]
The Dangerous Delusion of a Global Transition to “Just Electricity”
World leaders continue experiencing a “dangerous delusion” of a global transition to “just electricity” that they believe will eliminate the use of the crude oil that made society achieve so much in a few centuries.Image: Creative Commons under UnsplashCrude oil is the basis of our materialistic society, as discussed in an educational and entertaining 27-minute podcast interview between Ronald Stein and Armando Cavanha in Brazil.It’s shocking that the public has bought into the current rhetoric … [Read more...]
Following Truth in a Warming World: Correcting One Evangelical’s Errant Views on Climate Change
Kyle Meyaard-Schaap is passionate. If all Christians were as committed to seeking God’s purpose for this earth, the United States would not be in the mess it is. But this does not mean I endorse Meyaard-Schaap’s conclusion, in his book Following Jesus in a Warming World: A Christian Call to Climate Action (InterVarsity Press, 2023), that Christians should view manmade climate change as a crisis that demands spending trillions of dollars fighting it. Meyaard-Schaap depends … [Read more...]
Will the Electric Car Mandates Battle Decide the 2024 Election?
Let’s see just how long this auto workers’ strike lasts. It’s not really about the 46% pay raise but the 2009 Obama deal that took away cost-of-living adjustments. It’s not really about the short run, either.Image: Creative Commons under UnsplashBut let’s see what the auto workers get in the face of President Biden’s unrealistic demand that would force us to buy Chinese battery-powered vehicles.The sheep will remain loyal – just as they are to every other radical idea – because to resist is to … [Read more...]
Pope’s Climate Harangue Shows that He Should Stick to Theology and Leave Climate Policy to Those Who Follow Facts
Image: Creative Commons under UnsplashIn late December 2014, the Vatican announced the Pope would be issuing an encyclical in 2015 concerning the need to battle climate change. In late April 2015, Francis hosted a one-day conference, “Protect the Earth, Dignify Humanity: The Moral Dimensions of Climate Change and Sustainable Development.” Despite being described as a workshop to come to an understanding and agreement about a common path forward on climate change, the Vatican’s official closing … [Read more...]
Blame the Gristmills
You may remember the extremely cold winter of 2021. In Texas, the system of electricity collapsed; 4.5 million homes lost power—for days. More than 200 people died, half of them of hypothermia (cold). This wasn’t supposed to happen, of course. Texas’s electric utilities are regulated, and the regulation had been modernized beginning in 1999.Image: Creative Commons under UnsplashWhy wasn’t the public interest served?The issue is so complicated that I can’t answer that question. But the ongoing … [Read more...]
Climate Change Hysteria and the Rise of the Religious Left
The climate catastrophe crusade has been joined by a new regiment of converts: the religious left wing. The troop strength has been building over recent decades; the last few years, however, have seen a surge in the power of this cohort.The religious contingent is imbued with a spiritual fervor. Unfortunately for the Christian faithful, the spirit consists of the spirit of this age, or, as the apostle Paul might put it, “this present evil age.” And unlike Paul, who announced that his job was to … [Read more...]
A Tale of Two Whale Protection Groups
Image: Creative Commons under UnsplashThere are two groups specializing in trying to protect the severely endangered North Atlantic Right Whale, of which only about 340 critters remain alive, fewer every month, it seems. One is new and small, while the other is old and big.The small group says that offshore wind development is killing whales, which I, too, believe, but NOAA denies it. The big group, which includes NOAA and some of their funded researchers, is now up to thinking about the … [Read more...]
The Dignity of Labor Requires Freedom and Truth
The following is an excerpt from an article by Rev. John F. Naugle that was first published at I celebrated Mass for our parish on the morning of Labor Day, I was struck by the Gospel which coincidentally was given to be read for Monday of the 22nd Week in Ordinary time: Luke 4:16-30. Here we see the people of Nazareth respond favorably to Jesus’ declaration that He personally fulfills the prophecy as the one anointed to bring “bring glad tidings to the poor” only to … [Read more...]
No Net Benefit To EV Mandates, Gov’t Admits It
Buried deeply in the bowels of a 56,342-page Federal Register Volume 88 — along with an environmental assessment accompanying the Department of Transportation's newly proposed fuel standards — are some candid admissions that electric vehicle- (EV) promoting bureaucrats and subsidy beneficiaries aren't anxious for any of us to know about.Image: Creative Commons under UnsplashOne is that "Net [social-economic] benefits for passenger cars remain negative across alternatives."After factoring in a 2% … [Read more...]
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