The climate catastrophe crusade has been joined by a new regiment of converts: the religious left wing. The troop strength has been building over recent decades; the last few years, however, have seen a surge in the power of this cohort.The religious contingent is imbued with a spiritual fervor. Unfortunately for the Christian faithful, the spirit consists of the spirit of this age, or, as the apostle Paul might put it, “this present evil age.” And unlike Paul, who announced that his job was to … [Read more...]
A Tale of Two Whale Protection Groups
Image: Creative Commons under UnsplashThere are two groups specializing in trying to protect the severely endangered North Atlantic Right Whale, of which only about 340 critters remain alive, fewer every month, it seems. One is new and small, while the other is old and big.The small group says that offshore wind development is killing whales, which I, too, believe, but NOAA denies it. The big group, which includes NOAA and some of their funded researchers, is now up to thinking about the … [Read more...]
The Dignity of Labor Requires Freedom and Truth
The following is an excerpt from an article by Rev. John F. Naugle that was first published at I celebrated Mass for our parish on the morning of Labor Day, I was struck by the Gospel which coincidentally was given to be read for Monday of the 22nd Week in Ordinary time: Luke 4:16-30. Here we see the people of Nazareth respond favorably to Jesus’ declaration that He personally fulfills the prophecy as the one anointed to bring “bring glad tidings to the poor” only to … [Read more...]
No Net Benefit To EV Mandates, Gov’t Admits It
Buried deeply in the bowels of a 56,342-page Federal Register Volume 88 — along with an environmental assessment accompanying the Department of Transportation's newly proposed fuel standards — are some candid admissions that electric vehicle- (EV) promoting bureaucrats and subsidy beneficiaries aren't anxious for any of us to know about.Image: Creative Commons under UnsplashOne is that "Net [social-economic] benefits for passenger cars remain negative across alternatives."After factoring in a 2% … [Read more...]
New Book—Green Breakdown: The Coming Renewable Energy Failure
Do you think that wind, solar, and batteries can replace the hydrocarbon fuels that power our modern industrialized society? A new book, Green Breakdown, shows why the Net Zero agenda—a forced transition to renewable energy—is costly, dangerous, and destined for failure. Using science, economics, and in-depth analysis, the book exposes the weaknesses in the planned green energy transition and predicts a coming renewable energy failure.Green Breakdown is a complete discussion of all facets of the … [Read more...]
Cooling the Rhetoric on Climate Change
Cal Thomas is Cal Thomas is probably the most senior of all Christian opinion columnists, with his syndicated column reaching millions through hundreds of newspapers. Here he takes on climate catastrophists, showing his usual wisdom and clarity.—ECBImage: Creative Commons under UnsplashMYRNA BROWN, HOST: Today is September 7th. Good morning! This is The World and Everything in It from listener-supported WORLD Radio. I’m Myrna Brown.PAUL BUTLER, HOST: And I’m Paul Butler. Commentator Cal Thomas … [Read more...]
Support for Offshore Wind Sinks as Costs Soar
Things are looking bad for offshore wind in America (which makes me happy). On one hand, opposition is growing. On the other, the cost crisis is driving prices way up. Whether the offshore US boom will bust remains to be seen, but it is certainly possible. Here’s hoping.Image: Creative Commons under UnsplashBad news for the industry is coming in daily, so there is too much to report. Here are just a few samples to give the flavor of the debacle in progress.In New Jersey, we get this dramatic … [Read more...]
The “Madness of Crowds”?
Can history help us understand today’s panic over global warming? I believe so.I do think we are experiencing panic. While the Earth is warming and human activity probably contributes to it, the overheated efforts to make people fear the long-term future suggest that this is more of a crusade than a rationally considered enterprise. Extreme fear of global warming negatively affects politics, the economy, the media, international relations, and education.I will look at two disastrous periods that … [Read more...]
Cobalt Carnage, Child Labor, and Ecological Destruction
Global cobalt demand soared with the advent of cell phones and laptop computers. It exploded with the arrival of electric vehicles and is now skyrocketing in tandem with government EV mandates and subsidies. Cobalt improves battery performance, extends driving range, and reduces fire risks.Demand will reach stratospheric heights if governments remain obsessed with climate change and Net Zero. States and nations would have to switch to electric cars, trucks, buses, and tractors; end coal and … [Read more...]
Abandoning Fossil Fuels Without a Replacement Helps China
Wind turbines and solar panels that can generate electricity intermittently are themselves totally dependent on fossil fuels for all their components. Renewables offer NO energy independence, as America has never imported electricity from foreign countries. Wind and solar just generate intermittent electricity. Image: Creative Commons under UnsplashFurther, the raw materials that are essential for building EV batteries, wind turbines, and solar panels, are increasingly dependent on the … [Read more...]
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