Academia’s best-known hockey player, Michael Mann, in 2021 published a book entitled, The New Climate War: The Fight to Take Back Our Planet. His thesis was that climate-altering fossil fuel companies, right-wing plutocrats, and petrostates are the enemies of humanity and (by omission) that nature has no significant role in climate change.Image: Creative Commons under UnsplashMann’s thesis seems to be that an army of activists who condemn the Industrial Revolution can defeat the … [Read more...]
Carbon Language Global Error
Political and business leaders, educators, and the news media endlessly talk about “carbon.” Newscasters repeatedly warn about “carbon emissions” and “carbon pollution.” States and provinces announce “zero carbon” goals. The United Nations and environmental groups push for a “low-carbon” and a “carbon-neutral” society. But instead, they should all be talking about “carbon dioxide,” not carbon.Labeling carbon dioxide “carbon” is as foolish as calling salt “chlorine.” Carbon and carbon dioxide … [Read more...]
Multi-Faith Australian Religious Leaders Demand ‘Climate Justice’ … to the Disservice of God, Human Flourishing and Science
Christian, Muslim, and Buddhist leaders in Australia “say climate change is impacting the future of religion,” ABC Radio News, Australia, reports.It never quite becomes clear just how climate change would impact the future of religion, but one certainly gets the impression that one of the chief ways is by furthering religious syncretism — the watering down, compromising, and intermixing of doctrinal distinctives in the name of cooperation with other religions.The article begins, “The world … [Read more...]
The Population ‘Problem’ Fizzles
Each year, the Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI) has a dinner in Washington, D.C., honoring the economist Julian Simon, who died in 1998. Simon was a rare optimist in the fields of population and natural resources. He disagreed with most environmentalists of his day (especially in the 1980s through 1990s). They feared passionately that the growing population would overwhelm agriculture and industry and that the world would run out of natural resources such as oil and minerals.Instead, Simon … [Read more...]
Models Can’t Agree on Climate Sensitivity
Image: Created Commons under UnsplashFor decades, the public has been told climate researchers understand and have accurately modeled “climate sensitivity,” defined as the average global temperature rise we should expect following a doubling of CO2 concentration in the atmosphere compared to pre-industrial levels. Yet, climate models routinely run too hot, both hindcasting (unless their outputs or the measured data is adjusted to conform) and forecasting far more warming than is actually … [Read more...]
The Dangerous Delusion of a Global Transition to “Just Electricity”
World leaders continue experiencing a “dangerous delusion” of a global transition to “just electricity” that they believe will eliminate the use of the crude oil that made society achieve so much in a few centuries.Image: Creative Commons under UnsplashCrude oil is the basis of our materialistic society, as discussed in an educational and entertaining 27-minute podcast interview between Ronald Stein and Armando Cavanha in Brazil.It’s shocking that the public has bought into the current rhetoric … [Read more...]
Following Truth in a Warming World: Correcting One Evangelical’s Errant Views on Climate Change
Kyle Meyaard-Schaap is passionate. If all Christians were as committed to seeking God’s purpose for this earth, the United States would not be in the mess it is. But this does not mean I endorse Meyaard-Schaap’s conclusion, in his book Following Jesus in a Warming World: A Christian Call to Climate Action (InterVarsity Press, 2023), that Christians should view manmade climate change as a crisis that demands spending trillions of dollars fighting it. Meyaard-Schaap depends … [Read more...]
Will the Electric Car Mandates Battle Decide the 2024 Election?
Let’s see just how long this auto workers’ strike lasts. It’s not really about the 46% pay raise but the 2009 Obama deal that took away cost-of-living adjustments. It’s not really about the short run, either.Image: Creative Commons under UnsplashBut let’s see what the auto workers get in the face of President Biden’s unrealistic demand that would force us to buy Chinese battery-powered vehicles.The sheep will remain loyal – just as they are to every other radical idea – because to resist is to … [Read more...]
Green Hydrogen Needs Vast Subsidies
World leaders tout “green hydrogen” as an essential fuel in the renewable energy transition. Today, heavy industries use huge amounts of coal and natural gas to produce products needed by society. Governments propose to replace hydrocarbon fuels with hydrogen fuel, using hundreds of billions of dollars in subsidies. But vast subsidies won’t be enough to overcome the insurmountable problems with green hydrogen fuel. Four big industries—ammonia, cement, plastics, and steel—are powered by natural … [Read more...]
No, the Summer Weather Data Doesn’t Amount to Climate Catastrophe
The following is a guest article by Dr. Roy Spencer and Kevin Dayaratna Bad news sells, and numerous media outlets have sensationalized the past summer as being the hottest on record. But the details behind the dramatic headlines are unremarkable, and certainly no reason to panic.Yes, some parts of the world have experienced unusual warmth in recent years. And the satellite-based dataset that global warming skeptics often point to will likely see 2023 as the warmest year … [Read more...]
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