The US Environmental Protection Agency publishes information in graphical form (see below) purporting to show a steady increase in records relating to heat waves as having occurred from 1960 to present. But the untold story is what happened during earlier portions of the 20th Century that preceded that date. EPA's graphs mislead the reader into believing that a calamitous rise in temperature may be about to unfold. It is untrue. Of the 50 all-time high temperature records for the individual U.S. … [Read more...]
The Church must stand up for the energy rights of people
For many Christians, Jesus’ commandments lay out the pathway for life and how Christians are to live in a world that is wrought with many challenges. Among them, are a set of clear commandments on how we should treat our neighbors. Jesus asks his followers to love their enemies, seek the good of neighbors, and care for those who are in need.In fact, Jesus goes as far as to say that anyone who does not clothe, feed, and shelter the poor are doing that disservice to Him. In Matthew 7:12, Jesus … [Read more...]
Alex Newman Explains UN Agenda 2030 Behind Farming Restrictions
The following is a guest article by Ella Kietlinska and Joshua PhilippThe United Nations’ 2030 Agenda for sustainable development informs government policies to restrict farming and transform the food systems in different parts of the world, said Alex Newman, an award-winning international journalist who has covered this issue for over a decade.The 2030 Agenda is a plan of action devised by the United Nations (U.N.) to achieve 17 sustainable development goals (SDG). The goals and … [Read more...]
Europe’s Heat Wave That Wasn’t
London & Europe Hit Record-TempsThis past week, London achieved a record temperature of 102 degrees Fahrenheit. Not to diminish the record temperature, but some perspective is clearly needed on this UK heat wave as the climate crowd continues to catastrophize.The Heat Wave of 1911In 1911, trees shed their leaves, grass turned to dust, and cows' milk dried up. As the New England Historical Society recounts it, The 1911 Heat Wave Was So Deadly It Drove People Insane. Temps hit scorching … [Read more...]
The Koonin-Dessler Debate
Update: You may be able to watch the debate on Youtube around August 24th, the link that worked for a short time has been taken down.The debate I announced here between Steve Koonin and Andy Dessler took place Monday, August 15th, it was very educational and illuminating. I will try and write more about it in a few days.In short Andy Dessler said that economic models suggest that climate change is negative for human civilization and not positive at all. But he avoided putting any … [Read more...]
The Great Barrier Reef Is Doing Great; People Should Know
Australia’s Great Barrier Reef (GBR) is, well, great. But the popular media won’t report this good news, so I will. The GBR is made up of approximately 3,000 reefs covering an area nearly the size of California off Australia’s eastern coast. The condition of its coral is frequently referenced as an indicator of the reef’s health, regularly in the context of the supposed damage global warming is doing to the planet. The reef now has more coral than any time since records began in 1986, … [Read more...]
Changes in the Greenland Ice Sheet Mass: Crisis in the Making, or Example of Uncertainty in Climate Science?
“Much climate reporting today highlights short-term changes when they fit the narrative of a broken climate but then ignores or plays down changes when they don’t, often dismissing them as ‘just weather’,” wrote theoretical physicist Steven Koonin, former Under Secretary for Science at the Department of Energy in the Obama administration, in a Wall Street Journal op-ed earlier this year. Such reporting frequently occurs regarding polar ice melt and its impact on sea-level … [Read more...]
1,500 Years Of Heatwaves
The following is a guest column from“Hot Weather.—Many a man has mopped his brow during the summer months of 1884, declaring it was the hottest weather the world ever knew, which, of course, would not be true, for the extreme heat in the record of the past has not been approached during the late summer.In 627, the heat was so great in France and Germany, says the London Standard, that all springs dried up; water became so scarce that many people died of thirst.In 879, … [Read more...]
EU Fossil Follies Star Russia, China in Lead Roles
As I have previously discussed in this column, the European Union, and Germany most particularly, have gotten themselves into a self-inflicted energy shortage disaster in becoming heavily dependent upon Russian natural gas and oil while simultaneously opposing the Putin government's Ukraine invasion which they have good reason to fear may spread to NATO countries.Germany, a dominant EU economic power, relied on Russia for more than half of the natural gas and a third of the oil … [Read more...]
‘Trust Us, We’re Experts’ Has Returned To A World Of Faith-Based Science
We are living in an era steeped in faith-based science. Deep trust in science, as defined by those perceived to be authoritative scientists in very complex scientific areas, has become blatant with the coronavirus crisis. To make sure we stayed healthy in addition to staying alive, we trusted what the scientific experts were telling us about the deadly disease.Now a certain amount of distrust of such expertise has set in.As the public learns more about the virus and the subsequent extended … [Read more...]
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