The following essay by Diego Vargas-Godoy won an honorable mention in our Summer 2023 Essay Writing Contest for high school and college students. Image: Creative Commons under UnsplashIn the complex realm of governance, legislation stands as a pivotal force that guides the trajectory of societies. At this juncture where policy decisions bear far-reaching consequences, the essay competition hosted by the Cornwall Alliance offers an opportunity to delve into the intricate interplay between local … [Read more...]
Assessing Local Legislation: Balancing Economy, Creation, and Community
The following essay won second place in our Summer 2023 Essay Writing Contest for high school and college students. The essay was submitted by highschool student Victoria Seegott.Image: Creative Commons under UnsplashThe Cornwall Alliance for the Stewardship of Creation champions the belief that humanity is entrusted with the duty to care for the Earth and prioritize the well-being of its inhabitants. In this spirit, the essay contest offers a unique platform for high school juniors, seniors, … [Read more...]
Blame the Gristmills
You may remember the extremely cold winter of 2021. In Texas, the system of electricity collapsed; 4.5 million homes lost power—for days. More than 200 people died, half of them of hypothermia (cold). This wasn’t supposed to happen, of course. Texas’s electric utilities are regulated, and the regulation had been modernized beginning in 1999.Image: Creative Commons under UnsplashWhy wasn’t the public interest served?The issue is so complicated that I can’t answer that question. But the ongoing … [Read more...]
Climate Change Hysteria and the Rise of the Religious Left
The climate catastrophe crusade has been joined by a new regiment of converts: the religious left wing. The troop strength has been building over recent decades; the last few years, however, have seen a surge in the power of this cohort.The religious contingent is imbued with a spiritual fervor. Unfortunately for the Christian faithful, the spirit consists of the spirit of this age, or, as the apostle Paul might put it, “this present evil age.” And unlike Paul, who announced that his job was to … [Read more...]
No Net Benefit To EV Mandates, Gov’t Admits It
Buried deeply in the bowels of a 56,342-page Federal Register Volume 88 — along with an environmental assessment accompanying the Department of Transportation's newly proposed fuel standards — are some candid admissions that electric vehicle- (EV) promoting bureaucrats and subsidy beneficiaries aren't anxious for any of us to know about.Image: Creative Commons under UnsplashOne is that "Net [social-economic] benefits for passenger cars remain negative across alternatives."After factoring in a 2% … [Read more...]
What I Told the EPA About its Illegal De Facto Electric Vehicle Mandates
The following is a guest article by Marlo Lewis Jr.Image: Creative Commons under UnsplashRecently, I submitted comments to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on its proposed greenhouse gas (GHG) emission standards for model years (MYs) 2027-2032 passenger cars, light trucks, and medium-duty trucks. The proposed standards are the latest phase of a longstanding unlawful agenda of market-rigging interventions. They should be withdrawn.My comments develop the following points:Marlo Lewis, Jr. … [Read more...]
Some Like It Hot – Others Like It Cold
The drivel from air-conditioned mainstream media newsrooms has reached new levels of guffaw with the “shocking” headlines that the Fourth of July was the hottest day on Earth in “as many as 125,000 years” – breaking a record set on July 3. Hmmm. Really? Or is this just hype to avoid mentioning the shortfall of patriotic fireworks, replaced by drones across much of the Home of the Brave (not so much.)Here’s what we know IS true. In many places, including central Texas, it was HOT on … [Read more...]
Italy Returns to Nuclear Sanity. Shouldn’t We?
The Italian parliament, demonstrating confidence in Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, this week formally backed her plan to reintroduce nuclear power plants into Italy’s energy mix, reversing the nation’s 1987 moratorium on nuclear power. Meanwhile, energy-starved Germany is feeling the pinch from shuttering all of its 17 nuclear power plants.Image: Creative Commons under UnsplashThe U.S. has closed 11 nuclear reactors since 2013, with another eight of the 94 remaining reactors scheduled … [Read more...]
Biden Wages Terrifying, Suicidal War on Energy Security
The Biden administration’s new 681-page EPA-proposed regulatory rule limiting greenhouse gas emissions for coal-and gas-fired power plants. This is but the latest attempt to eliminate America’s fossil-fueled energy independence, prosperity, and global security.EPA’s Most Recent Attack on Fossil FuelsAlthough last year the Supreme Court blocked the implementation of the Obama "Clean Power Plan," which would have forced a power shift to renewables from coal, the EPA now wants to include natural … [Read more...]
Those Attacks on Gas Stoves Aren’t Really about Health
Image: Creative Commons under UnsplashEarlier this year, the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) announced that indoor gas stoves emitted harmful pollution. Several studies claim that the use of gas can cause respiratory illness. The CPSC is considering restrictions on gas stoves, including possible bans in new residential construction. But attacks on gas stoves are based on questionable science and are largely driven by concerns not related to health.The CPSC has reportedly been … [Read more...]
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