First Published on In his recent article “The Threat to the Scientific Method,” Dr. Patrick Michaels, a climatologist who for 30 years was Research Professor of Environmental Sciences at the University of Virginia and now directs the Center for the Study of Science at the Cato Institute, pointed to a serious problem: the corruption of science through government (and sometimes industry) funding, which has led to rapidly and alarmingly increasing numbers of retracted journal … [Read more...]
Climate Consensus? Nonsense!
So, someone privately messaged us saying her friend had posted this article, and she (who messaged us) wondered how we'd respond. Okay, we give up. We'll never persuade people like's Phil Plait. Not if this article, and this and this typify his thought processes. His failure to dig a little deeper, as any good journalist should (which suggests how few good journalists there are out there!), indicates a mind closed to evidence.But for those of you who aren't closed to evidence, how … [Read more...]
NASA’s Children’s Climate Change Website, and the book 1984: Creating Spies One Child at a Time
What would you say if your child accused you of a thought crime, and turned you in to the thought police? Would you say it was ridiculous? Perhaps you would say, “There is no ‘thought crime’ in the United States.” Surely your children would never try to accuse you of a crime or try to change your behavior. Well, think again, because that is exactly what websites like NASA’s Climate Kids intends to do, except they won’t accuse you of thought crime, they will accuse you of a climate crime. This … [Read more...]
Lying with Statistics: “The National Climate Assessment” Falsely Hypes Ice Loss in Greenland and Antarctica
How fast are Greenland and Antarctica losing ice? If you trust the National Climate Assessment (NCA), you’ll think, “Very fast!” And that’s intentional. The aim is to provoke fear so the American public will support the Obama administration’s aim to spend $Trillions fighting global warming. Here’s how the NCA (in Appendix 4, FAQ-L) depicts the rate of loss from the ice sheets covering Greenland and Antarctica: Pretty steep declines, right? Downright scary. But if there’s any way to depict … [Read more...]
Website Visitor Accuses Us of Lies and Propaganda; We Respond
Recently a visitor to our website wrote us: Please show me the hard science behind your 'beliefs'. I just want you to know that as a Christian AND environmentalist, I am appalled at the lies you are propagating. Please help me understand your motivation. Is anyone on your staff a trained scientist? And please do not put me on a mailing list and send me any propaganda. I do not support your organization. We were of course disappointed to receive this, but we replied as follows: Grace and … [Read more...]
Testimony To the United States Senate Environment & Public Works Committee June 3, 2014
“When scientific views come under political attack, so too does independent thinking and good policy-making” Read Dr. Legates's Full Testimony Here (PDF). Over the years, I have applied for several federal grants. Two in particular, submitted to NASA and the USDA (the latter involved using precipitation estimates by weather radar to enhance agricultural planning which had nothing to do with climate change), were never reviewed. It is not that I have received bad reviews; indeed, I have … [Read more...]
University of Delaware Threatens Cornwall Senior Fellow’s Academic Freedom
Apparently the law doesn’t apply to everyone equally in Delaware. Climate alarmists get protection; climate skeptics—don’t. When the Competitive Enterprise Institute filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request to the University of Delaware (UD) for information related to three faculty members who had as part of their employment done work for the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, UD Vice President and General Counsel Lawrence White refused on the grounds that the … [Read more...]
VIDEO: Senator Sessions Grills EPA Nominee in Confirmation Hearing
One almost feels pity for Janet McCabe under grueling questioning by Senator Jeff Sessions (R-AL). It’s clear she knows—well, pretty much nothing relevant about the science of climate change. Maybe we shouldn’t expect much scientific knowledge from her, though. She’s not a scientist. (Remember that next time someone tries to silence you on global warming because you’re not a scientist.) She’s a lawyer and former environmental health advocate. But she’s nominated to be Assistant Administrator … [Read more...]
Americans’ Fear of Global Warming Declines
The American public fears some effects of climate change, but not enough to raise economy-crippling legislation to stop it. Gallup’s most recent poll on the subject shows that on a list of issues Americans consider important, climate change consistently comes in last or close to it. Although 65% believe it is happening, or will happen in their lifetimes, only 36% believe it will affect them significantly. These numbers are down from 2008 highs of 75% and 40%. The Cornwall Alliance has … [Read more...]
Climate Hubs Stepping Stone To Broader Climate Legislation
The Obama Administration decided last month that it would placate the “Green” lobby by telling our nation’s farmers how to do their job. Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack announced the creation of seven Regional Climate Hubs for Risk Adaptation and Mitigation to Climate Change. These Hubs match climate change knowledge with local farmers using current networks including local extension agents. This announcement by the Obama Administration was a stepping stone to this month’s announcement of … [Read more...]
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