C02 reduction regulations and subsidies for “green energy” are destroying the European economy, and the United States is next. But Europe’s waking up. After years of trying to lead the push to go green, it has turned around and begun steep cuts in its climate protection goals. Why? To save member states’ economies. For example, Germany, one of the strongest proponents of environmental regulations in the European Union (EU), has seen energy prices soar, making its prices the highest in Europe. … [Read more...]
Movie Noah Trades Redemption For Destruction
Was Noah a violent, murderous environmentalist who experienced an anthropogenic apocalypse? Did God hate humans because they destroyed His earth? Not according to the Bible. Darren Aronofsky, director of the new movie Noah, starring Russell Crowe, clearly didn’t read his Bible very carefully—or didn’t like what he read. The movie Noah changes a story of love and redemption into an environmentalist propaganda piece about humans destroying the earth, and a call for human extinction. Brian … [Read more...]
Reflections on Climate Change on the Anniversary of Super Storm Sandy
by Neil Frank and E. Calvin Beisner Super Typhoon Haiyan and the anniversary of Superstorm Sandy should remind all of us of the tragic suffering that is part of living in the post-fall world, affected by both human sin and the divine curse (Genesis 3). But is Rev. Darren A. Ferguson, of Mount Carmel Baptist Church in Far Rockaway, NY, whose home and church Sandy destroyed, right to insist that “climate change” made Sandy stronger than it otherwise would have been? Assume for a moment … [Read more...]
In a World of Demographic Despair, Christ is the Answer
With a rapidly shrinking population leading to grave economic and social problems, Japan is now reported to be experiencing a strange phenomenon: lack of interest in sex—not just for procreation, but even for recreation. Strange? Yes. Surprising? Perhaps not. Around the globe young people—especially in developed countries—are taught to live in what Michael Crichton aptly called a State of Fear. The Internet and more traditional media feed that fear with incessant claims of danger from every … [Read more...]
How the Media Will Spin the Next IPCC Report – Why the Spin Is Wrong
It is extremely likely that the most oft-cited statement from the “Summary for Policymakers” (SPM) of the forthcoming Fifth Assessment Report (AR5) of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) will be: It is extremely likely that human influence on climate caused more than half of the increase in global average surface temperature from 1951–2010. Mainstream media and global warming enthusiasts will latch onto that. With little or no awareness of either its textual or its historical … [Read more...]
What’s Incredible? Learning to Read Science Articles with a Critical Eye
Almost every day, we are assaulted with “studies” purporting to have found correlations, connections, links, or ties between causes and effects. In 1998 Dr. Andrew Wakefield claimed that exposure to MMR vaccine causes autism. That assertion still reverberates across Europe and the U.S., but how reliable is Wakefield’s study? What about the claim that increased carbon dioxide emissions are causing and will continue to cause global temperature to rise, wreaking havoc with ecosystems all over … [Read more...]
Flipping Out Over the Solar Flip?
Nowadays it seems we’re trained to be afraid. Reports that the sun’s magnetic field is flipping have caused not a few ripples of excitement. Some popular media report responsibly. Others play on fears, claiming that the magnetic field’s reversal means we’re in for some stormy weather. The good news? We’re not doomed. At just shy of 100 million miles away, our solar dance partner might seem too distant for relatively small events within it to have much impact on the earth. But the sun … [Read more...]
Science Class? Or Religious Humanist Recruiting Ground?
Where is Dr. Mauerbry when we need her? Thirty-seven years ago, in a freshman college course on physical anthropology, the professor required every student to write a term paper on a topic of his choice. I said I’d like to write on scientific evidences against Darwinian, naturalistic evolution. “This is a science course, not a religion course,” she replied. “You can’t do that.” “Who said anything about religion?” I replied. “I want to write about scientific evidences.” She insisted that all … [Read more...]
Theism, Darwinism, and Environmentalism in a Lab Coat: Next Generation Science Standards Coming to YOUR State Soon!
Last month the Kansas State Board of Education voted to make Kansas the third state (following Rhode Island and Kentucky) to adopt the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). The “voluntary” (until adopted by state boards of education) NGSS are the brainchild of Achieve, Inc., a non-profit organization founded in 1996 by various state governors and business leaders and a major promoter of the controversialand expensive new Common Core Standards. The Thomas B. Fordham Institute, an education … [Read more...]
Is Fighting Global Warming the Solution to Water Shortages in Malawi (or Elsewhere)?
In late May two evangelical environmentalists, recently returned from visiting Malawi, published articles in which they said poor Malawians are suffering from reduced rainfall caused by manmade global warming. Jonathan Merritt wrote for Religion News Service, “In America, climate change is a matter of debate, but in places like Malawi, it’s a matter of life and death.” Judd Birdsall wrote for Huffington Post, “In Fombe village, Malawi, climate change is not a matter of political or scientific … [Read more...]
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