The climate “hoax,” as President Donald Trump calls it, and the “green new scam,” also in Trump’s words, have spawned a plethora of bad ideas and policies.In the transglobal elites’ attempts to direct the world’s economy by controlling average people, they have pushed the idiotic and dangerous vision of the nations of the world going net zero. The elites’ words and actions suggest they think of people beneath their station in life, those in lower income strata or not part of the educated … [Read more...]
Spencer vs. Schmidt: My Response to Criticisms
EN: Dr. Roy Spencer serves thoughtfully on the Cornwall Alliance Board. What follows is a response to Gavin Schmidt’s blog post at entitled Spencer’s Shenanigans in which he takes issue with my claims in Global Warming: Observations vs. Climate Models. As I read through his criticism, he seems to be trying too hard to refute my claims while using weak (and even non-existent) evidence.To summarize my claims regarding the science of global warming:In Gavin’s post, he makes the … [Read more...]
Europe’s Green Nightmare May Soon Be Over
Elections for the European Parliament will be held in June, and big changes appear on the horizon. The Green parties, who won big in 2019 and pushed European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen to present an ambitious climate agenda, are in decline. Led by disgruntled (and targeted) farmers, voters in at least 18 of the EU’s 27 member nations are expected to express disapproval of EU policies at the ballot box.Perhaps the tiniest of the protests belongs to the European People’s Party … [Read more...]
Climate Agenda Makes Vital CO2 a Dangerous Pollutant
To get some sense of powerful political agenda influences on global climate and environmental policies, it's instructive to revisit the acid rain hysteria of the late 1960s, which led quite directly to the demonization of carbon dioxide (CO2) as a "climate pollutant."Photo: Creative Commons under UnsplashThis second manufactured scare continues today, thanks to active assistance from "experts" who should — many probably do — know better.Both agendas have involved the same sorts of … [Read more...]
Thailand’s Tiger Turnaround Contradicts Climate Fearmongering
Image: Creative Commons under UnsplashThailand’s protected forest areas are home to the Indochinese tiger, known by their biological name Panthera tigris corbetti. Recent population numbers suggest that the tiger is making a comeback. Tiger populations in two of Thailand’s wildlife sanctuaries grew from 42 in 2012 to about 100 in 2022. The resurgence is one more conservation success story that defies the climate-obsessed mainstream media's doomsday narrative, which has been blaming … [Read more...]
Welcome to Cold War II
Trying to Save the Planetfrom the People Who Are Trying to Save the PlanetTwo scenes from my toddlerhood in Calcutta, India, have flashed in my mind thousands of times over the last 60-plus years. The first was of a beautiful tree with a red-flowered vine hanging from its branches. The second was of the emaciated bodies of people who had died overnight of starvation and disease.I saw the tree and its vine as my aia, or nurse, led me by the hand through the courtyard of the building housing my … [Read more...]
Teaching Science Students to Think Critically About EVs and to Peek Behind the Curtain
“The simple believes everything, but the prudent gives thought to his steps.” – Proverbs 14:15 ESV“Open your mouth for the mute, for the rights of all who are destitute. Open your mouth, judge righteously, defend the rights of the poor and needy.” – Proverbs 31:8-9 ESVIn one of the laboratory classes I teach, students learn techniques to separate heterogeneous mixtures of solids. One procedure involves the separation of sodium chloride from beach sand by mixing the solid mixture in water, … [Read more...]
Assessing Virginia’s Hidden Wind and Solar Costs
Among Governor Glenn Youngkin’s first actions was Executive Order #9 initiating Virginia’s withdrawal from the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, the Northeastern U.S. “carbon market” that sets and enforces emission limits for coal and gas power plants. RGGI also lets utilities buy “carbon credits” when emissions exceed those limits and pass costs on to families, businesses, hospitals, and schools. Special interests will contest withdrawal, but the EO sets the proper tone for … [Read more...]
Is Pollution a Sin? How Many Americans Does Air Pollution Kill?
Email from a subscriber:1.) Is pollution a sin or is it just unavoidable in our lives? How many things actually “pollute?” I struggle to say that pollution is a sin (as I’ve read from others) because there are many in the world who can’t afford the technologies that we have and I don’t think they’re sinning because they can’t afford cleaner technologies. Also, I see in John 21 that Jesus makes a charcoal fire in order to make breakfast for his disciples. I don’t really know anything about … [Read more...]
How Should We Think about Air Pollution?
Email from a subscriber:I am a believer in Jesus Christ living in the state of Minnesota. I am contacting you because I have had great struggles in understanding how to steward creation for God’s glory and the good of others.The biggest thing I’ve been struggling with is air pollution. I’ve heard from various sources that our cars pollute and this pollution can cause cancer and other health issues, even death, especially with older cars (my wife and I own a 2005 Toyota Corolla). However, … [Read more...]