One almost feels pity for Janet McCabe under grueling questioning by Senator Jeff Sessions (R-AL). It’s clear she knows—well, pretty much nothing relevant about the science of climate change. Maybe we shouldn’t expect much scientific knowledge from her, though. She’s not a scientist. (Remember that next time someone tries to silence you on global warming because you’re not a scientist.) She’s a lawyer and former environmental health advocate. But she’s nominated to be Assistant Administrator … [Read more...]
Movie Noah Trades Redemption For Destruction
Was Noah a violent, murderous environmentalist who experienced an anthropogenic apocalypse? Did God hate humans because they destroyed His earth? Not according to the Bible. Darren Aronofsky, director of the new movie Noah, starring Russell Crowe, clearly didn’t read his Bible very carefully—or didn’t like what he read. The movie Noah changes a story of love and redemption into an environmentalist propaganda piece about humans destroying the earth, and a call for human extinction. Brian … [Read more...]