Facebook has admitted in a court of law that such fact-checks are not factual at all, but merely opinions.People send me stuff.As we have previously reported, journalist John Stossel is suing Facebook after Facebook’s ‘fact-checkers’ labeled climate change information that Stossel posted as “false and misleading”. In the middle of all this is the nefarious website “Climate Feedback” which has a bunch of climate zealots that write up what they claim are “fact-checks” for articles, videos, … [Read more...]
SEPP Lauds Cornwall’s Livestream with Christopher Essex
“Let another praise you, and not your own mouth; a stranger, and not your own lips.” Such is the wise counsel of Proverbs 27:2.Well, recently that happened, in a big way. Ken Haapala, President of the Science and Environmental Project (SEPP), was so impressed by the Cornwall Alliance’s From the Stacks livestream November 23, with guest Dr. Christopher Essex, that he devoted the first part of SEPP’s weekly e-newsletter The Week that Was November 27 to summarizing and commenting on some of its … [Read more...]
Latest Discoveries in the Field of Structural Biology Point to Intelligent Design
The August 9, 2021 edition of Chemical and Engineering News (C&EN) featured a story in the field of structural biology entitled “How Transcription Gets Its Start.” Transcription is the biochemical process that occurs in every cell in the human body when protein synthesis is initiated. It is a complex series of steps that begin in the nucleus when a gene—a section on a strand of DNA—expresses instructions for a specific protein to be produced. In … [Read more...]
Don’t Lose Sleep Over the Latest UN Climate Report
It’s not “code red for humanity.”The philosopher G.F. Hegel is notorious for having said that if facts contradict theory, then “um so schlimmer für die Fakten”—“so much the worse for the facts.” Not surprisingly, the idealist Hegel had a huge influence on another idealist philosopher, Karl Marx, whose “scientific socialism” was socialist but decidedly not scientific. Facts have never seemed to matter much to socialists—it’s theory that counts.Perhaps that underlies the propensity for some … [Read more...]
Should we trust science?
Naomi Oreskes’s book Why Trust Science? (2019) has been described as a defense of science, but it is nothing of the sort. The cornerstone of her thinking is total consensus determining truth in the natural world. Her approach is a scorched earth epistemology.1. Science and the OscarsI write this while my wife is watching the Oscars. The music of professional musicians and overwrought thank-yous drift to me along with the dependably-boring, routinely inappropriate political posturing, and … [Read more...]
New Climate Report Got You Shakin’ in Your Boots?
Every year like clockwork, starting in late July and running through to November, mainstream media around the world start hyping the message: your sinful use of fossil fuels to heat or cool your home, cook your food, power your car or truck, make and market and use your food, clothing, shelter, communications, transportation, health care, and all the other things that keep you alive and healthy will make the world overheat, and then you'll be sorry! And this year, the United Nations' (UN) … [Read more...]
Swiss Scientist: Play My Way or I’ll Take My Ball and Go Home!
That's the gist of what Swiss climate scientist Sonia Seneviratne told CBC News about why she may refuse to participate in any future assessment reports from the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).It's not that the reports don't let her say what she wants to say. She's been a lead author about extreme weather in three of the six assessment reports.No, it's that policymakers around the world don't just take her word for it and do what she says must be done."There is no point for … [Read more...]
Why “Follow the Money” Doesn’t Cut It
Dr. David Kreutzer, an economist formerly with the Heritage Foundation and now with the Institute for Energy Research, was Cornwall Alliance's livestream guest July 27 to discuss why President Joe Biden's "Net Zero by 2050" plan not only won't succeed but can't. (You can watch it on Facebook or YouTube.)When I announced this on Facebook, a friend from back in high school days---a fellow Christian and sincere person---commented, "No, thank you. I prefer to hear and read people with expertise who … [Read more...]
Climate Models: Worse Than Nothing?
Guest column by Robert L. Bradley Jr. “Climate modeling is central to climate science….” (Stephen Koonin, below)When the history of climate modeling comes to be written in some distant future, the major story may well be how the easy, computable answer turned out to be the wrong one, resulting in overestimated warming and false scares from the enhanced (man-made) greenhouse effect. Meanwhile, empirical and theoretical evidence is mounting toward this game-changing verdict despite the best … [Read more...]
The Lazy Man’s Way to Avoid Grappling with an Argument
Today I received this via email:I have seen a meme going around on Facebook that says: "Just so you know, Legitimate scientists tend to publish their research in academic journals, not on YouTube." What is your take on this? Is does come from a very strong Democrat supporter.The truth is that legitimate scientists publish in both places.However, scientists closely associated with the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the central figures of which are alarmists (and many of them … [Read more...]