Environmentalists and Green New Deal proponents like to say we must take care of the Earth, because “There is no Planet B.” Above all, they insist, we must eliminate fossil fuels, which they say are causing climate change worse than the all-natural ice ages, Medieval Warm Period or anything else in history. Their Plan A is simple: No fossil fuels. Keep them in the ground. More than a few Democrat presidential aspirants have said they would begin implementing that diktat their very first day in … [Read more...]
Principled Inaction in the Face of Climate Change Extremism
For the next two weeks, delegates from nearly 200 countries and 29,000 visitors will be convening in Madrid for a summit on climate change.The 2019 United Nations Climate Change Conference, “COP25,” began with a cryptic address by U.N. Secretary-General António Guterres: “By the end of the coming decade we will be on one of two paths, one of which is sleepwalking past the point of no return … Do we want to be remembered as the generation that buried its head in the sand and fiddled as the planet … [Read more...]
2019 Year in Review
2019 has been an exciting year in our ministry, with much change, and many new opportunities. We have revamped our organization with complete legal independence as our goal. As many of you know we have until this point been a project of another 501(c)(3).We are so excited to announce that we have received our 501(c)(3) determination from the IRS and complete organizational independence will be fully realized in early 2020!In addition to this massive undertaking (and I mean massive due to … [Read more...]
Climate Models vs Observations: 2019 Update
Back around 2014 many people, me included, were commenting on the discrepancy between climate models and observations. In a report for the Fraser Institute I showed the following graph:The HadCRUT4 series (black) was then dipping below the 95% lower bound of the model distribution. The IPCC itself in the 5th Assessment Report (2013) noted that out of 114 model runs, 111 had overstated observed warming since the late 1990s. That same year, Hans von Storch told Der Spiegel thatIf things continue … [Read more...]
No, Hurricanes Are Not Bigger, Stronger and More Dangerous
Guest contribution by Dr. Roger Pielke Jr., formerly Professor of Environmental Studies and now director of the Sports Governance Center in the Department of Athletics at the University of Colorado at Boulder. He is the author of The Rightful Place of Science: Disasters & Climate Change and other books.Earlier this week a paper published by the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) by a team of authors led by Aslak Grinsted, a scientist who studies ice sheets at the … [Read more...]
#Giving Tuesday is Dec. 3rd!
Can you believe 2019 is coming to a close? Neither can we! This has been a landmark year in Cornwall Alliance's history. Why? Because all these years we have operated as a project of another 501(c)(3) organization. But this year we took a leap of faith, and did a whole lot of hard work, and became our own, independent 501(c)(3) nonprofit!That process is almost complete. We received our 501(c)(3) determination letter from the IRS—a huge … [Read more...]
Climate change: a first-world problem?
Ever heard of “first world problems”? Like home Internet quitting for 15 minutes? Bad mobile signal? Online deliveries arriving late? Can’t fast-forward live TV? A closet full of clothes but “nothing to wear”? Sitting near an infant on a flight to Bali? Chipped nail polish?My quick survey suggests that, at least for Christians in developing countries, climate change/global warming is a “first world problem.”Sure, the politicians and bureaucrats in other countries care about climate … [Read more...]
Rising sea level, higher storm surges, milder winters, oh my!
Today's email brought this from someone recently returned from a cruise along the coasts of New England and Canada:I think I heard at least two, maybe three, of the Canadian tour guides make comments regarding global warming. They are fully convinced that it is happening and that it is having a drastic effect on sea levels. They commented about eighteenth-century ship-tying rings that are now three feet underwater. They mentioned storm surges that are higher lately than they … [Read more...]
Katharine Hayhoe strikes again
Earlier this week someone sent me a link to Katharine Hayhoe's column "I'm a Climate Scientist Who Believes in God. Hear Me Out," published in the New York Times October 31. In it Hayhoe, whose Ph.D. is in atmospheric science but who teaches in the political science department at Texas Tech University, criticizes the thinking of fellow evangelicals who disagree with her about the causes, magnitude, consequences, and appropriate responses to climate change/global warming.Referring to "attacks" … [Read more...]
What about geoengineering?
Recently someone wrote asking, " How does geoengineering factor in with your Climate Change beliefs?"The Cornwall Alliance as a body hasn’t addressed this question, so what I say here is solely my own thinking.The answer depends heavily on what one means by geoengineering. Humankind has been engineering the earth in many ways, small and large, for thousands of years: building dams, felling forests, planting crops, digging canals and aqueducts, draining swamps, irrigating deserts, building roads … [Read more...]
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