This is the third in a series by Cornwall Alliance Senior Fellow Roy W. Spencer, Ph.D. (Meteorology), Principal Research Scientist, University of Alabama at Huntsville, exposing media bias in reporting about climate change. This first appeared as part of a longer article by Dr. Spencer on his blog.The yearly, area-averaged surface temperature of the Earth is about 60 deg. F. It has been slowly and irregularly rising in recent decades at a rate of about 0.3 or 0.4 deg. F per decade.So, let’s say … [Read more...]
Evidence of Media Bias about Climate Change Part 1: Amazon Burning
This is the first in a series by Cornwall Alliance Senior Fellow Roy W. Spencer, Ph.D. (Meteorology), Principal Research Scientist, University of Alabama at Huntsville, exposing media bias in reporting about climate change. This first appeared as part of a longer article by Dr. Spencer on his blog.A few days ago, The Guardian announced Large swathes of the Amazon rainforest are burning. I don’t know how this has suddenly entered the public’s consciousness, but for those of us who … [Read more...]
Mainstream Media Hijack Hurricane Dorian For Climate-Change Alarm
As I write at 11 a.m. Eastern Time Monday, Hurricane Dorian, with sustained winds of 155 mph—barely below Category 5—is pounding the Bahamas and moving very slowly westward, forecast to turn north later today.After crawling slowly up the Florida and Georgia coasts Tuesday through Wednesday, Dorian is forecast to turn northeast Thursday morning and continue its crawl along the coasts of South and North Carolina.By Friday morning the eye could be east of North Carolina’s outer … [Read more...]
Amazon Fires Not Unprecedented: Data Reveal Good News
Fires in the Amazon rainforest have been the topic of a global environmental scare. Some people blame climate change. They say it makes the burn rate worse than usual. French President Emmanuel Macron called it “an international crisis.”But are we witnessing the rainforest’s death? Are the “lungs of the earth” burning beyond repair?Not according to the data.The Amazon rainforest is close to my heart. An avid nature lover, I have spent much time in tropical rainforests. I have always wanted to … [Read more...]
Expensive climate change programs hurt the poor most
A new study confirms what conservatives have long suspected: Expensive climate change programs, such as the Green New Deal, would hurt the poor the most.Researchers from the Euro-Mediterranean Center for Climate Change estimate that if every country participating in the Paris climate accord actually fulfilled its greenhouse gas emission reduction pledges, more than 3 million people will be pushed into poverty. That’s on top of the 1 billion people around the world who still don’t … [Read more...]
A Sad Tale of a Wealthy Millennial’s Moral Confusion
This article was originally published in the American Spectator where it remained in the top 5 articles read multiple days in a row.A few years back my wife heard a young woman share that she had felt guilty for being able to go out to dinner with friends in Chicago because she knew her mother, in South Africa, was struggling to scrape together her own supper.When she had told her mother this during a phone call, her mother had rebuked her. “How dare you spit in God’s face!”Instead, … [Read more...]
Climate Alarmists in Denial about “97% Consensus”
Dana Nuccitelli, than whom it would be difficult to find a more strident or persistent advocate of global warming alarmism, is upset (as usual).Why?He is shocked---shocked!---to find that "Millions of times later, 97 percent climate consensus still faces denial." Some people, despite having been castigated for it for over a decade, continue to "deny" that there is a "97% consensus" about manmade global warming.The spur for his latest tantrum, published in the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, … [Read more...]
El Paso Shooter’s Extreme Environmentalism Deserves Condemnation
The manifesto that the El Paso shooter posted before his deadly rampage reveals that, along with hate for immigrants, he held a radicalized view of mankind’s relationship to nature. The manifesto itself was titled “The Inconvenient Truth About Me,” an apparent homage to the many false narratives presented in Al Gore’s climate “documentary.” The first two sentences pretty much sum up the four-page screed: “In general, I support the Christchurch shooter and his manifesto. This attack is a … [Read more...]
The Spectacular Cricket World Cup and The Climate Undertone
The cricket world cup ended earlier this month after an amazing final between the hosts England and New Zealand. The tournament entertained fans across the world, but not without drama. Rain and the unusually cold start to the summer resulted in cancellation of key games in the earlier part of the tournament. It revealed a larger climate truth, one that is contrary to the propaganda peddled by the UK’s liberal mainstream media. Cricket is very similar to baseball. Pitchers pitch the ball and the … [Read more...]
“America’s Environmental Leadership”—An Oxymoron?
“America’s Environmental Leadership.” If you believe most media, most of the political class, much of academia, and certainly Hollywood stars (who of course are our intellectual betters), that phrase sounds oxymoronic.That’s how many people thought of it when President Donald Trump delivered remarks on “America’s Environmental Leadership” at a meeting in the White House Monday, July 8, which I attended.So, did the President, with several cabinet-level personnel, provide any reason to think … [Read more...]