Falsehoods always go down more smoothly when mixed with truths. And they’re probably the most credible when told by people who don’t know they’re false—the sincerity factor, you know.Well, the lead paragraph of a recent New York Times article is a model of just that:“The Trump administration on [June 19] replaced former President Barack Obama’s effort to reduce planet-warming pollution from coal plants with a new rule that would keep plants open longer and undercut progress on reducing … [Read more...]
Evangelicals aren’t ‘climate deniers’
The popular media claim that evangelical churches are climate deniers. They caricature them as anti-scientific and ignorant.Though many believe this to be a fact, the reality is far from it. Not only are these accusations false, they are illogical. Here is why.What is Climate Denialism?Before deciding on whether a church is a climate denier or not, it is critical to shed light on what it means to be a climate denier.Not long ago, the term “climate denier” was used to define someone who does not … [Read more...]
Why the U.S. Must Say No to Extreme Green Policies
The green policies of radical environmentalists and climate alarmists have been plaguing the fastest growing economies and even the established economic powerhouses of Europe.The U.S. has largely evaded the oppressive policies of radical environmentalism, thanks to the pro-development government. However, lawmakers in Congress are becoming increasingly vocal about adopting radical green policies.Citizens should be wary about the dangers of policies that have crippled other economies across the … [Read more...]
Air Pollution: Why There’s Hope for a Brighter Future
For many people today, humanity’s biggest moral failure is that we are destroying our environment. Nations that took part in the Industrial Revolution (those that conquered poverty long before others) get the lion’s share of the blame.High on the list of their crimes is air pollution. Soot- and smog-filled skies are an affront to the eyes — and the lungs. They’re among the most obvious forms of pollution.So, what’s happening around the world with regard to air pollution?If you’re a Millennial in … [Read more...]
Pennsylvania Climate Action Plan – Crippling costs for no benefit
On April 29, 2019, Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf released the latest version of the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection’s (DEP) Climate Action Plan, announcing that Pennsylvania would join the U.S. Climate Alliance, a coalition of 24 states committed to implementing policies that support the Paris Agreement — an international collaboration from which the U.S. has withdrawn.According to the governor, “states like Pennsylvania must take action to reduce greenhouse gas … [Read more...]
Hey, Americans, Save Your Birds!
Dear Americans,I love nature. I’m writing this from the lush forests of India. But I want to call your attention to something going on in your own country—something that should shock and outrage you.It’s the needless deaths of millions of birds every year.I grew up among the beautiful peacocks and pretty little sparrows in the beautiful forest regions of southern India. Those and many other birds were not just pretty things I enjoyed watching. I was concerned by the many challenges human … [Read more...]
With U.S. Assistance, India Bypasses Renewable Madness
Amidst the madness surrounding the Green New Deal and the push for renewable energy across the globe, India and United States have quietly made landmark deals in energy cooperation.The U.S. signed a deal with India for American companies to build 6 nuclear power plants in the coastal state of Andhra Pradesh. These will boost India’s ability to meet its growing domestic energy demands.The deal is of foremost importance to India’s energy aspirations. Following the example set by the … [Read more...]
Global Cooling: The Real Climate Threat
Climate alarmists constantly warn us that man-made global warming is making our world less habitable and that climate doomsday is fast approaching. But a closer look at our climate reveals a surprising climate discovery that our mainstream media have conveniently ignored for decades: the role of the sun in determining Earth’s climate.For the first time in humanity’s history, our leaders could be actively devising policies — based on their defiant and biased obsession with global … [Read more...]
Cornwall Day of Prayer: A Prayer for Energy Liberation and Development
Dear Father in Heaven,We come to you in prayer and ask you to liberate the nations of this world from poverty.We specifically pray for the strengthening of our existing energy infrastructure and opportunities to utilize new resources like natural gas. We pray that you will guide the nations of the world and its leaders to harness the wealth of natural resources that you have created for the well-being of us and our future generations.Lord, help us develop clean technologies—like the already … [Read more...]
Shutdown, Snowfall, and the Deep Freeze: Truth in a World of Climate Lies
In the midst of America’s recent government shutdown, a number of politicians like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Al Gore, and John Kerry made extraordinary claims about the coming climate doomsday. Citing a recent climate report from the United Nations, they all made calls to save the Earth from climate doomsday. Less than a week later, much of America’s upper Midwest and Chicago face the likelihood of all-time record lows, with life-threatening wind chills of minus 45 to minus 60 degrees … [Read more...]