Tuesday night President Donald Trump announced that Brett Kavanaugh was his choice for his second appointment to the Supreme Court of the United States of America. This choice was met with wailing and gnashing of teeth by left-leaning pundits and activists claiming this would be the end of a woman's "choice" to kill her pre-born baby. It is worth noting this racket would be made by the choice of anyone on President Trump's list. It was, after all, one of his campaign promises to appoint … [Read more...]
Cornwall Alliance Statement on EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt’s Resignation
On July 5, President Donald Trump announced the resignation of Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt. The Cornwall Alliance was pleased to support Mr. Pruitt’s nomination in 2017, and we have valued his service to the American people since then. He has brought to the EPA, which in past years frequently overstretched the statutory limits of its authority, a strong commitment to our Constitutional order. Mr. Pruitt has honored the separation of powers and worked … [Read more...]
Defending Scott Pruitt from Scurrilous Journalists and Politicians
Last year, the Cornwall Alliance produced an open letter supporting Scott Pruitt's nomination to become EPA Administrator. We rested our judgment on the facts that As Oklahoma Attorney General Pruitt had demonstrated his legal expertise in successful litigation to require corporations—including the energy corporations so prominent in his state’s economy—to abide by environmental laws and regulations. He had publicly expressed his conviction that the EPA’s role is not to create law through … [Read more...]
Take Secret Science Out of the EPA: An Open Letter in Support of Strengthening Transparency in Regulatory Science
Click here to sign the Open Letter. The federal Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) proposed rule “Strengthening Transparency in Regulatory Science,” banning the agency’s use of “secret science” in formulating regulations, should be adopted. It is badly needed to assure American taxpayers that the EPA is truly acting in their best interests. Objections are groundless. Strengthening Transparency in Regulatory Science (STRS) provides that “When promulgating significant regulatory … [Read more...]
Insect-borne Diseases Spreading in the United States? Blame EPA, Not Exxon
Last fall Politico ran a special feature on global health that featured a graphic presentation of increased incidence of insect-borne diseases in the United States from 2004 to 2013, blaming the increase on global warming. "Warming global temperatures are changing the range and behavior of disease-carrying insects like mosquitos and ticks and extending the seasons in which they are active. As a result, incidence of the diseases they carry---including Lyme, spotted fever, West Nile and … [Read more...]
Ending ‘Sue-and -Settle’ Extortion
Last week, federal Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt issued a directive aimed at reducing “sue-and-settle” lawsuits. For those who like voters to have input in the creation of environmental regulation, this is a great move. For decades, environmental advocacy groups have exerted outsized influence—and profited financially—from “friendly” lawsuits against the EPA. These lawsuits have been a conduit for activists inside and outside the EPA to get new regulations in … [Read more...]
Time to End Ethanol Mandate and Subsidies
Seven years ago Indur Goklany, an economist formerly with the U.S. Department of the Interior and associated with the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change since its inception in 1988 as an author, expert reviewer, and U.S. delegate to the organization, concluded a thorough analysis of the effect of American biofuels policy on the world's poor with these words: ... the production of biofuels [in the U.S.] may have led to at least 192,000 additional deaths and 6.7 million additional lost … [Read more...]
Why do Ranchers Grouse about Federal Regulations to Protect Sage Grouse?
One of the basic principles of environmental stewardship is that the people closest to a problem are likely to understand it best. Yes, there might be exceptions when experts from outside can come to understand it better, but what really happens in those instances is that the outsiders get up close. If they don't, they won't. A great illustration of this is the unintended consequences of federal regulations meant to protect sage grouse, an allegedly endangered species in some of the American … [Read more...]
Twenty-nine years ago record drought and fires hit the West and no one seemed to notice. Frustrated, I sent query letters to the three largest East Coast newspapers, and to my surprise, The New York Times answered. My article on the West’s drought and fires ran in August 1988 in the New York Times Magazine and was syndicated and distributed world-wide. Here we are again. In many areas of the Northern Great Plains the 2017 drought and fires are worse. And again, the news media is hardly … [Read more...]
How Ideologues Abuse Power in Professional Associations—Exhibit A: AMS Letter to Pruitt
By now everybody knows that the national academies of science of the world's top countries, and various professional scientific associations, and in short all people with brains firmly believe that human emissions of carbon dioxide have been the primary driver of global warming/climate change for the past half century. But what most people don't know is that those organizations' official positions on the matter rarely reflect the considered opinions of their members. They tend to be adopted … [Read more...]
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