Climate Lockdowns: New CO2 monitoring credit card enables tracking of ‘carbon footprint on every purchase’ – ‘Monitors & cuts off spending when we hit our carbon max’ – Mastercard & UN join forcesGet ready for a Chinese-style social credit system scoring when it comes to your personal spending habits and how they impact “climate change.” A new credit card called Doconomy, has launched that is “working in tight collaboration with Mastercard” and an alliance with the UN Framework … [Read more...]
A Simple Explanation of Why Climate Models “Run Hot”
The Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC AR6) has been released, much to the excitement of and fanfare from the mainstream media. It was expected that gloom and despair would permeate the document – unless, of course, we adopt a draconian carbon-dioxide-reduction strategy – and the IPCC did not fail to deliver.So, where do these extreme climate scenarios originate? One could assume that they could be “made up”; after all, climate change … [Read more...]
Countdown to COP26 on the road to failure
It is less than 60 days until COP26 convenes in Glasgow. We can expect a flood of climate horror stories (including flooding). But there will also be some discussion of the actual issues, so here is a brief breakdown of the big four.Keep in mind that the alarmists have a bit of a civil war going on, between what I call the moderates and the radicals. The moderates have been at it for over 30 years and the radicals are fed up. The moderates now have a net zero target of 2050, while the radicals … [Read more...]
One Overhyped Crisis Deserves Another
Anthropogenic climate change is real. It is not a an existential threat---pace Greenpeace, the Climate Action Network, and the world's most famous climate scientist, 18-year-old Greta Thunberg, who demand a hundred-trillion-dollar makeover of the global energy infrastructure to achieve a fraction of a degree of global temperature reduction at the end of this century.COVID-19 is real. It is not an existential threat---pace the WHO, the CDC, and your local mayor or school board, who demand … [Read more...]
Every so often the truth seeps out that significantly reducing global greenhouse gas emissions will require enormous sacrifices, meaning profound losses of welfare on people's part. Bear that in mind when you hear politicians’ promises of “net zero by X date” or “50 or 80 percent carbon dioxide reductions by year X.”In the Western world, the energy cuts and lifestyle changes required to hit net zero will mean going back to early-1800s levels of emissions. This will force enormously negative … [Read more...]
New Climate Report Got You Shakin’ in Your Boots?
Every year like clockwork, starting in late July and running through to November, mainstream media around the world start hyping the message: your sinful use of fossil fuels to heat or cool your home, cook your food, power your car or truck, make and market and use your food, clothing, shelter, communications, transportation, health care, and all the other things that keep you alive and healthy will make the world overheat, and then you'll be sorry! And this year, the United Nations' (UN) … [Read more...]
Swiss Scientist: Play My Way or I’ll Take My Ball and Go Home!
That's the gist of what Swiss climate scientist Sonia Seneviratne told CBC News about why she may refuse to participate in any future assessment reports from the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).It's not that the reports don't let her say what she wants to say. She's been a lead author about extreme weather in three of the six assessment reports.No, it's that policymakers around the world don't just take her word for it and do what she says must be done."There is no point for … [Read more...]
Energy Poverty Kills
Guest column by Alex EpsteinLast week we looked at the need for a process of producing energy that is cheap, plentiful, and reliable—and we saw that solar and wind cannot produce cheap, reliable energy.How Germany embraced solar and wind and ended up in energy povertyLet’s take a look at this in practice. Germany is considered by some to be the best success story in the world of effective solar and wind use, and you’ll often hear that they get a large percentage of their energy from solar and … [Read more...]
China’s strange endorsement of ‘net zero’
The Chinese path to supposed decarbonization starts with a lot more coalYou have to hand it to Xi Jinping. The Chinese “president for life” schmoozed United Nations royalty last September with his unexpected pledge that his country aims “to have CO2 emissions peak before 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality (Net Zero) before 2060.”Xi also urged other nations “to pursue innovative, coordinated, green and open development for all” through rapid deployment of new technologies, to “achieve a green … [Read more...]
The Dirty Big Secret: ‘Clean, Renewable Energy’ Is Neither
... clean nor renewable, that is.That fact came through loud and clear in an article last August by energy expert Mark Mills and co-author Alexander Ackley in The International Chronicles titled "The Destructive Myth of Green Energy: If You Want 'Renewable Energy' Get Ready to Destroy the Environment."Here are a few facts that Mills and Ackley explain and prove in detail:While wind and sunlight renew themselves, we can only derive usable energy from them by using materials that don't. That means … [Read more...]