A couple of weeks ago, I was invited to speak to Campaign Life Coalition Ottawa about climate change and the potential threat that climate alarmism poses to the objectives of pro-lifers. The title of the event is “Why global warming alarmism is a threat to unborn children… and the pro-life movement.”In preparation for the event, I researched whether climate activist groups had anything to say about abortion and were surprised to see they do indeed. While their position is usually cloaked in … [Read more...]
American Association of Evangelicals Urges Supreme Court Justices and Pro-Life Members of Congress to ‘Be Strong and Courageous’
“On behalf of millions of evangelical Christians in America, we thank you for standing strong in your respect for the Constitution, clearly reflected in Justice Alito’s draft of Dobbs v. Jackson.”This is the introductory paragraph in an open letter to the Justices of the Supreme Court of the United States and members of Congress sponsored by the American Association of Evangelicals (AAE). Not to be confused with the older National Association of Evangelicals, the AAE is a grassroots … [Read more...]
Against Environmental Anti-Humanism
Guest column by Marian TupyOn April 25, British Vogue published an article titled “Is Having a Baby in 2021 Pure Environmental Vandalism?” The author, Nell Frizzell, “worried about the sort of world” that she would bring her “child into — where we have perhaps just another 60 harvests left before our overworked soil gives out.” In the end, she decided to have a son and teach him to live within humanity’s “environmental means” and free of “the fever of consumerism.”Frizzell is not … [Read more...]
A Plea to My Evangelical Friends for Biden
October 20, 2020 by Dr. Peter JonesHow should genuine Christians vote in the up-coming presidential election? Recently a group called “pro-life evangelicals for Biden” sought to answer that question. The group includes many prominent evangelical leaders whom I respect who believe “that a biblically shaped commitment to the sanctity of human life compels us to a consistent ethic of life that affirms the sanctity of human life from beginning to end.”[1] Essentially in using the … [Read more...]
“Pro-Life Evangelicals for Biden” Commit Two Major Mistakes in Ethics
In my years as a seminary professor of ethics, I saw few things more sinister and devious than the seemingly innocuous statement, “a biblically shaped commitment to the sanctity of human life compels us to a consistent ethic of life that affirms the sanctity of human life from beginning to end.” That’s not because life isn’t sacred from beginning to end, but because those who use it do so consistently to hide a serious ethical confusion.Recently a group calling itself “Pro-Life Evangelicals for … [Read more...]
Choosing the Economy over People’s Lives?
The current novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has stimulated all kinds of questions. As more and more people begin to demand that the more extreme measures to curb its spread---those that are shuttering a large part of our economy---come to an end, one of the most common is whether such thinking involves prioritizing the economy over lives. Is it not pro-life to insist that we continue the widespread shutdown of our economy in the name of saving lives?That's what drew this email from one … [Read more...]
How Many Uninfected People Will the “War on the Coronavirus” Kill?
Following is the text of Cornwall Alliance’s first “From the Stacks” livestream program with Founder and National Spokesman E. Calvin Beisner on Facebook, April 7, 2020. We post it here because Internet technical problems made some parts inaudible to viewers. Today, let’s talk about the novel Coronavirus, or COVID-19, and our governments’ responses to it. I’m going to argue that our governing authorities need to expand the sources from whom they seek advice about how to deal with this … [Read more...]
The Most Radical Tool Against Global Warming
Abortion is a global issue. A survey of The World’s Abortion Laws shows significant disagreement about it.A few countries, like Egypt, prohibit it. Others, like Brazil, allow it only when the mother’s life is in danger. In the United States, laws vary from state to state. But the Supreme Court’s 1973 Roe v. Wade decision makes it difficult to restrict it significantly.Advocates for abortion frequently argue for a woman’s right to choose. But some now, like Democratic … [Read more...]
Time to Eat Uncle Jim to Protect the Climate?
How far will people go to fight climate change? You might have thought you'd seen the limits. Think again.Banning fossil fuels and prescribing "renewable energy" is so last century. Urging vegetarianism or veganism is so last decade. Pushing for population control is so last year. Embracing abortion is so yesterday.If you really want to be cutting edge, you need to think about family. As in, your uncle Jim and cousin Mary.As in, eating them after they die.That, after all, would reduce your … [Read more...]
Have Fewer Kids to Fight Climate Change?
Because “having one fewer child reduces one’s contribution to the harms of climate change,” Travis Rieder argues, “everyone on Earth ought to consider having fewer children.” Rieder confesses that “this is an uncomfortable discussion.” He says he’s “certainly not arguing that we should shame parents, or even that we’re obligated to have a certain number of children.” But on his grounds, why shouldn’t we? If he thinks we’re morally obligated to limit our childbearing, shame would seem the … [Read more...]
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