There's a lot more behind modern environmentalism than enjoyment of furry animals and beautiful landscapes. Existentialism and Postmodernism have made significant contributions, and they, in turn, have their own deep roots. Rev. Mark Musser, an expert on German Romanticism, Idealism, and Existentialism, has written at length in his book Nazi Oaks: The Green Sacrifice of the Judeo-Christian Worldview in the Holocaust, on the roles they played in shaping Nazism and later … [Read more...]
Christianity and the End of Ritualized Murder and Sexual Exploitation in India
Today we hear a lot about sex trafficking and the horrors that victims experience. The Christian church is today fighting this evil practice, but fighting sexual abuse is not a new thing for the body of Christ. Here with us today is Vijay Jayaraj, Research Associate for Developing Countries for the Cornwall Alliance for the Stewardship of Creation, to tell us about the impact Christians have had historically in India. … [Read more...]
Your Tax Dollars at Work: Abortion and Forced Sterilization in India
Over 35 million children have been aborted worldwide so far this year. Abortion numbers for India are hard to gauge because many don’t get reported, but it’s more than half-a-million babies, and could be as many as seven million. The preference for male children is strong in India, leading to sex selective abortions and significantly fewer female children. This has exacerbated sex-trafficking of women. … [Read more...]
Sierra Club pushing abortion as population control to ‘save the environment’
FOX News host Tucker Carlson interviewed the Sierra Club’s Executive Director, Michael Brune, on Tucker Carlson Tonight, Feb 2, 2017. Carlson, a former Sierra Club member himself, dove right into asking Brune the tough questions. Puzzled by some of the Sierra Club’s recent position statements on such varied topics as President Trump’s border wall, the women’s march, abortion, and transgender bathrooms, Carlson asked Mr. Brune why the Sierra Club was veering away from protecting the … [Read more...]
Can the Religious Right—and Left—Be Saved?
The 2016 Presidential election left lots of people on lots of sides (not just two!) bruised and, sad to say, many friendships torn, some perhaps beyond repair but by the grace of God. For both religious political conservatives and religious political liberals---whether evangelicals or mainline Protestants or Roman Catholics or Mormons or Jews---the two leading candidates left more than a little to be desired. This was one of those times when policy and character didn't line up very well for … [Read more...]
Global Warming Reduces Human Death Rates
No contest on this one. Cold weather leads directly or indirectly to 17 times as many excess human deaths as hot weather. What's surprising is that even the New York Times reported this, and prominently. In the December 19, 2016, issue, Jane Brody wrote: Most of the Northern Hemisphere is now in the throes of the deadliest time of the year. Cold kills, and I don’t mean just extreme cold and crippling blizzards. I mean ordinary winter cold, like that typically experienced, chronically or … [Read more...]
A Call to Protect the Unborn and the Pro-Life Movement from Environmentalist Deceit: A Declaration by Concerned Pro-Lifers
Pollution and the Death of Babies: How ‘Green’ Evangelicals Imperil the Pro-Life Movement
The Bible makes a stark and fundamental distinction between intentional and accidental killing. When God instructed Israel to provide “cities of refuge” in the Promised Land, He said: If anyone kills his neighbor unintentionally without having hated him in the past—as when someone goes into the forest with his neighbor to cut wood, and his hand swings the axe to cut down a tree, and the head slips from the handle and strikes his neighbor so that he dies—he may flee to [a city of refuge] and … [Read more...]
Why Greens Hate Nuclear Energy
Indian policymakers, having made "commitments" to slow (sometime) the growth of their CO2 emissions from power generation (while continuing to build new coal-fired plants at break-neck speed), are casting about for ways to do that. Some call for more nuclear energy plants---the only realistic, affordable path. But others, guardians of Green ideology, oppose it, leaving their counterparts mystified. Why would they do that when the Indian people desperately need abundant, affordable, reliable … [Read more...]
How does Climate Alarmism Drive Human Trafficking?
Some climate alarmists believe global warming leads to more human trafficking. The truth is quite different. To prevent what they believe is dangerous manmade global warming, climate alarmists want to reduce CO2 emissions. This requires reducing fossil fuel consumption, which can be achieved partly by reducing consumption per person, but also by reducing the number of persons consuming. That requires reducing population growth and eventually population itself. This becomes a rationale for … [Read more...]