Climate change is the public enemy number one. Is there anything good that can come out of climate?
Well, it appears so, and without climate change it is likely that much of our world would be starving. Here is why.
From soccer World Cup to taking the transit for your work, almost every aspect of our lives has now come under severe scrutiny of climate enthusiasts.
The carbon dioxide emission from our daily activities (our “carbon footprint”)—both from individual emissions and collective emissions from industries and transport—is said to be the major reason for the current climatic condition.
It is assumed, through various hypotheses, that the current temperature levels are much higher than what they are supposed to be and that carbon dioxide emissions from human sources are the primary driving force for this sudden rise in temperatures.
This assumption is however highly contested within academic circles. Academic scientists do not completely agree about the catastrophic climate future narrative in the mainstream media and political bodies.
Despite this divergence of opinion in academia, proponents of catastrophic climate change theory continue to attribute changes in every physical phenomenon to climate change.
They even blame human behavior on climate change. From wars to migration, the climate alarmists have always found a way to blame climate change.
With this biased single-dimensional false narrative, the climate alarmists have made sure that the actual observed agricultural benefits of climate change remain unknown to the larger public.
The current warming phase began towards the end of 17th century. The 16th and 17th centuries, the height (or better, depth) of what is known as the Little Ice Age, saw a significant drop in the global temperature levels, disrupting agriculture and freezing rivers like the Thames in London.
Once this cold period ended, the global temperatures began rising in the 18th century, and have continued to rise to date. Thus, the warming phase clearly preceded the industrial era and the post-industrial era, both of which account for the bulk of carbon dioxide emissions from human sources.
The end of the Little Ice Age and the increase in temperature levels enabled the flourishing of agriculture in places that were not arable before.
However, it was not just the temperate regions that benefitted from this favorable change in climate. Scientific studies show that the increase in temperatures and the recent boom in atmospheric carbon dioxide levels have helped plant growth all over the world.
This impact has been studied most amongst the food crops. Favorable climatic conditions (temperature and increased carbon dioxide levels) have been credited, in part, for the exponential boom in global agriculture.
It is unlikely that countries like India and the U.S. would produce record agricultural outputs every year, if it were not for the change in climate.
Many of the claims of negative impacts of climate change are untrue. From polar bears to dangerous Artic ice loss, all the claims of climate alarmists have been found to be false.
It was not a surprise when the rate of increase in temperature during the past 18 years failed to correspond to the predictions by climate alarmists. The alarmists, in desperation, created computer climate models that forecasted temperature based on an unproved hypothesis that carbon dioxide emission from human sources can increase global temperature levels.
In trying to build and sustain a false narrative, the alarmists exaggerated existing environmental problems and intentionally led the masses away from knowing the actual reason behind our current agricultural success.
Article originally published on
Feature Photo by Olesya Grichina on Unsplash.
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