Want to “bring nothing but misery to poor people, especially in the developing world”?
Simple: Just follow the advice of the international cabal of UN leaders and their organizations calling for drastic action to fight global warming.
The harangue is familiar everywhere by now: Global warming will harm everybody, but it’ll harm the poor most of all. Curbing it will help everybody, but it’ll help the poor most of all.
Is that true?
Not according to Dr. Mikko Paunio, an expert on public health and adjunct professor in general epidemiology at the University of Helsinki in Finland.
In a newly published report from the Global Warming Policy Foundation, Paunio challenges claims by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, the World Health Organization, and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change that “co-benefits” of holding global warming to 1.5C above pre-industrial times will be a boon to humanity.
The more likely result will be up to 200 million excess premature deaths by 2050, according to Paunio.
Because the path to 1.5C is a “highway to hell”—a highway paved with converting over one-fourth of agricultural land worldwide from food production to energy production while failing to provide the abundant, affordable, reliable energy indispensable to population-wide water purification, sewage sanitation, and electrification that are indispensable to lifting and keeping whole societies out of severe poverty and the high rates of disease and premature death that invariably accompany it.
Paunio notes that the claims that the poor will benefit from fighting global warming rest on claims of reduced air pollution as the world shifts from fossil fuels to wind, solar, and biofuels to generate electricity.

Open-hearth cooking fires like this one cause respiratory diseases, many deadly, for billions in the developing world. (Photo courtesy of K.R. Harsha, Flickr Creative Commons.)
The problem, he explains, is that the world’s poor aren’t using fossil fuels for their energy today. They’re using wood, dried dung, and other rough biofuels, burned on open hearths or low-tech stoves often inside their huts, for heating and cooking. (Never mind providing light by which to study at night and gain knowledge that will enable them to work in an increasingly advanced economy.) Says Paunio,
Air pollution, and, in particular, indoor air pollution, is a genuine problem, particularly in poor countries, where wood and dung fires and crude coal-burning stoves are often the main ways of heating and cooking. But the suggestion that action on climate change will reduce the death toll is grossly misleading. The real solution has been understood for decades, and lies in a progressive movement away from solid fuels, firstly to cleaner fossil-fuel alternatives, such as liquified petroleum gas, and eventually to centralised power production and modern electricity grids.”
(Paunio developed this theme in an earlier report.)
“Centralised power production has, time and again, cleaned ambient air and also reduced indoor air pollution,” Paunio continues. “More importantly, it has enabled a revolution in environmental health practices: electricity grids not only give us clean indoor air but also clean and abundant water supplies—the basis of public health in all advanced economies—and cold-chain food storage, a vital component of effective environmental health practice.”
The trouble with the prescription for curbing global warming is that it rests heavily on “widespread adoption of biofuels and bioenergy, with the carbon dioxide produced when these are burnt being removed from the atmosphere using … afforestation [and] carbon capture and storage,” coupled with “drastic reductions in energy demand, although bioenergy would still be required even in these.”
Yet, as Paunio quotes Drew Shindell, a leading researcher and advocate of the policies, most of the reduction in carbon dioxide emissions would “come from technologies that have not been demonstrated at commercial scales and may not materialize.” For instance, “biofuel energy with carbon capture and sequestration” (BECCS) “faces biophysical, logistical and social constraints, and if it were to be deployed at the scales envisioned would require a substantial fraction of the world’s arable land and water resources, with potential severe consequences for biodiversity and food security.” (Yes, you read that right: These are the words of an advocate of the policies!)
The devil’s in the details. That “substantial fraction of the world’s arable land” comes to about 13 million square kilometers—about 27% of the world’s current agricultural land. With world population rising, that means “the biofuels route to a 1.5◦C future would involve famine and environmental desecration.”
Paunio concludes, “To their shame, those at the top of the WHO have another agenda entirely: an agenda that involves reckless decarbonisation, in the process preventing the world’s poorest from getting access to the energy they so desperately need, and deceiving the rest of the world into thinking that there are ‘co-benefits’ from doing so.”
One question Paunio doesn’t address is “Why?”
Why do these global elites embrace a policy the predictable consequence of which is not fewer more deaths among the world’s poorest?
The specter of Malthusian fears of “overpopulation,” which launched the racist/eugenics movement of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, lies at the root of demands to fight global warming by instituting policies that will slow, stop, or reverse the climb out of poverty for roughly 2 billion people.
Famed biologist Paul Ehrlich (who can’t tell the difference between people and bacteria and so argues that just as bacteria’s exponential multiplication until they consume all the nutrients in a Petri dish leads to their sudden death, so also human multiplication will do likewise) says the world’s optimal population is 1.5 to 2 billion—meaning we must get rid of about three-fourths of us.
The real driver behind demands to fight global warming is fear of overpopulation—particularly of people of the wrong ethnicities. Fighting global warming is just one more way of stopping it.
Such fears, and the policies arising from them, meet thorough refutation in the new book Population Bombed! Exploding the Link Between Overpopulation and Climate Change, by Pierre Desrochers and Joanna Szurmak. While supplies last, we’ll send a FREE copy of this 259-page book, as our way of saying “Thank you!” to anyone who makes a gift of any size and requests it, mentioning promo code “Help or Hurt Poor.” To make your donation at our secure online website, simply click on the “Donate” button on this page. Or you can mail your check, payable to the Cornwall Alliance, to Cornwall Alliance, 3712 Ringgold Rd., Chattanooga, TN 37412.
Stephen says
“The real driver behind demands to fight global warming is fear of overpopulation…”
And if these people cannot reduce population through global warming policies, you can expect they will throw another world war which is a quick way of reducing populations by tens of millions of people. Perhaps they’ll pursue BOTH paths – there’s a lot of “reducing” to do.
Moir says
That’s just the start of the rabbit hole. The fear of overpopulation stems from the Gaian agenda of depopulation and removing the infestation of humans from once wild areas and helping or just leaving them alone to recover and return to their wild state and keeping out those evil people, but it is also part of the socialist agenda to destroy the capitalist, democratic West by bankrupting their economies by imposing do nothing astronomically costly charges for emitting hot air, particularly CO2, and then exclaiming “Ahah!! See? Democracy and capitalism doesn’t work so now we must have communism”, and they have aligned themselves with Islam not bearing in mind Islam is a tiger that will ultimately devour them unless they somehow kill the tiger.
Moir says
I forgot to mention this is in part at least, encapsulated in Agenda 21 which has been superceded by Agenda 2030. Rosa Koire covers much of this well in her book “Behind the Green Mask”.
Fermin Francisco says
Despite doubts to the contrary, fighting global warming will certainly help the poor, and incredibly, the profit motive can be the driver. Here’s the vision 1st World companies set up high-profit ‘green’ joint ventures with 3rd World mega co-ops throughout the tropics. Some examples: agroforests, sweet sorghum farms with ethanol distilleries, mini hydropower nets, geothermal plants, commercial biogas, E85 vehicles, electric transports, etc. Such projects will clean the air, create billions of jobs, educate the poor, address wealth and power gaps thru mega co-ops, and bring CSR skills towards wise stewardship of the tropics. Other dreamers should take on the temperate zones.