Just in case you wondered whether deep-state bureaucrats at the federal Environmental Protection Agency had finally been brought under control, accountable to the people through their elected President and the EPA Administrator he appoints and the Senate that confirms the appointment, the answer is “No.”
Cause of Action Institute announced yesterday that it has discovered that, despite the fact that “the EPA informed the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) that as of June 2018, the EPA had ‘completed its process’ of disabling downloads of unauthorized applications subject to two minor exceptions, and removed most previously installed applications,” nonetheless “62.16 percent of all apps installed on EPA-furnished devices” continue to be “unapproved applications, including the non-work-related or encrypted messaging applications that violate record retention and disclosure laws.”
I suppose the EPA bureaucrats are just following the example of their former boss, Obama-era EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy (2013–2017), whose use of “Richard Windsor” as an email alias brought stern protests because it conflicted with regulations about transparency in government communications—but no prosecution.
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