I was pleased when I read the Indiana Religious Freedom Reformation Act (RFRA). The law allows individuals and companies to use religions convictions to protect them from from being sued for discrimination. Finally, some protection for a photographer who refused to take pictures at a homosexual wedding ceremony or the baker who will not bake a cake for the reception. Obviously, the intent of the law is not to allow a retail store to refuse service to a customer because the color of his skin or his sexual orientation.
Needless to say, I (naively) was surprised by the deafening response; Indiana is being pilloried from post to post for legalizing discrimination. Politicians, celebrities, even hosts of sports programs have decried the bigotry of Indiana, demanding all kinds of retribution. Now the law may be a bit ambiguous, but did anyone really think it’s purpose is to legalize discrimination? I doubt it. The liberal agenda is not to legalize homosexual unions, but to compel those who consider such unions as morally wrong and a perversion of marriage to acquiesce.
If the liberal juggernaut was concerned with discrimination, why has it been silent when businesses that did not want to be involved with homosexual ceremonies were closed or sued? Why has there been no outcry against the states that allowed this discrimination? Why no threatened boycotts?
The simple answer is equality under the law is not the issue. The goal is protection for everyone who has an anti-Christian agenda, but no protection for those who operate on the basis of a Biblical world view.
In fact, the reality is worse. The problem is not just their silence. The liberal machine deceitfully maligns those do not wish to participate in homosexual ceremonies. Take for example, the small pizza shop in Indiana, who told a reporter they would not cater a homosexual wedding reception. This question was a ploy from the beginning. When was the last time you were served pizza at a wedding reception? The reporter subsequently wrote that the shop would not serve a homosexual couple. Perhaps journalists are so poorly educated they cannot distinguish between whom you serve in your pizza shop and whose wedding reception you would cater. But I doubt it. The article was a deliberate attempt to discredit the new Indiana law. As as a result, through a cabal of a small group of people, thousands of false twitter messages were generated vilifying the shop owners and threatening their lives, the owners were forced to shut down. Where is the outcry against this injustice?
The issue is not discrimination; the agenda is to silence Christians. We, however, should not be surprised. The Lord Jesus Christ said, “If the world hates you, you know that it has hated Me before it hated you” (John15:18).
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