“Whoever defines the terms of the debate wins.”
The point has been understood for a long time. It even appears in a children’s story, Lewis Carol’s Through the Looking Glass, in which one character, Humpty Dumpty, famously says, “When I use a word, it means just what I choose it to mean—neither more nor less.”
Lots of pro-life Christians don’t realize that one movement has been defining a key term deceptively for over a decade—and crippling the pro-life cause by doing it.
The movement is the “creation care” movement, especially the Evangelical Environmental Network. And the way it plays the game is by defining “pro-life” contrary to standard dictionaries and common use.
All standard dictionaries define “pro-life” as meaning opposed to abortion. Abortion is a procedure that kills babies in the womb. And it kills them intentionally.
But what creation care organizations use “pro-life” to describe are policies that might (or might not) slightly reduce the already slight risk of slight harm. Not death, and not intentional.
This deceptive redefinition does two things, both bad. First, it hoodwinks hundreds of thousands of Christians into thinking they’re furthering the pro-life cause by embracing dubious environmental policies. Second, it neutralizes their effectiveness in fighting the real pro-life battle: the battle chiefly against abortion and secondarily against other procedures that intentionally end life, whether in the womb or in old age.
How Does the Creation Care Movement Threaten the Pro-Life Movement? exposes this deceptive and dangerous tactic. It identifies those responsible for it. And when you’ve read it, you can help get them to stop it.
As someone who cares about the unborn—about protecting them from intentional killing—you’ll want to understand this threat and know how to counter it.
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