Is there a Christian view of science? There certainly is, and the DIVE (Digital Interactive Video Education) Earth Science course does an excellent job of teaching it. (See here also.)
Written mostly for eighth and ninth grade homeschooling students, DIVE is taught by Dr. David Shormann, who presents a thorough overview of all the topics important to understanding the Earth from a Christian view of history, philosophy, and science. The entire course is a 30-week study of the anatomy of the Earth, major cycles affecting it, and natural history from a Christian perspective.
The course addresses every major topic affecting the Earth, from its anatomy, to the oceans, rivers, streams, atmosphere and climate, right down to local weather patterns and, of course, geology and tectonics. In those areas Dr. Shormann’s course discusses variables affecting the outcomes of those systems, like predicting hurricane paths, or the direction the wind will blow, or why there is a mid-Atlantic oceanic ridge—all the things you would expect from an Earth science course.
In addressing these fields of study, Dr. Shormann not only grants an overview to the importance and major variables, but different and conflicting theories attempting to explain these phenomena.
Shormann teaches from a perspective of a relatively young Earth and believes in a universal flood in the days of Noah. The Cornwall Alliance includes people with various positions on that question.
His language is always clear and never more complicated than it needs to be, a clear mark of a good teacher.
Shormann recognizes that no part of life is irrelevant to the Christian faith, so every lecture starts with a quote of Scripture that applies to the lesson. He also quotes Scripture regularly as it applies to our sanctification. He states that the purpose of science is to help us fulfill the dominion mandate in Genesis 1:26–28, glorifying God in understanding His great creation, and learning to better steward what He has given us.
We must all be scientists to be good stewards—inquisitive, thoughtful, and humble in the face of the unknown. Science is a tool for glorifying God, stewarding the Earth, and blessing both God and man.
The DIVE Earth Science Curriculum is a commendable study of the Earth, its history, processes, and formations, suitable written to engage and enlighten eighth and ninth grade students.
Image courtesy of pat138241 /
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