Abortion is a global issue. A survey of The World’s Abortion Laws shows significant disagreement about it.A few countries, like Egypt, prohibit it. Others, like Brazil, allow it only when the mother’s life is in danger. In the United States, laws vary from state to state. But the Supreme Court’s 1973 Roe v. Wade decision makes it difficult to restrict it significantly.Advocates for abortion frequently argue for a woman’s right to choose. But some now, like Democratic … [Read more...]
Brett Kavanaugh—A Strong Choice for the Supreme Court
Tuesday night President Donald Trump announced that Brett Kavanaugh was his choice for his second appointment to the Supreme Court of the United States of America. This choice was met with wailing and gnashing of teeth by left-leaning pundits and activists claiming this would be the end of a woman's "choice" to kill her pre-born baby. It is worth noting this racket would be made by the choice of anyone on President Trump's list. It was, after all, one of his campaign promises to appoint … [Read more...]
Your Tax Dollars at Work: Abortion and Forced Sterilization in India
Over 35 million children have been aborted worldwide so far this year. Abortion numbers for India are hard to gauge because many don’t get reported, but it’s more than half-a-million babies, and could be as many as seven million. The preference for male children is strong in India, leading to sex selective abortions and significantly fewer female children. This has exacerbated sex-trafficking of women. … [Read more...]
Sierra Club pushing abortion as population control to ‘save the environment’
FOX News host Tucker Carlson interviewed the Sierra Club’s Executive Director, Michael Brune, on Tucker Carlson Tonight, Feb 2, 2017. Carlson, a former Sierra Club member himself, dove right into asking Brune the tough questions. Puzzled by some of the Sierra Club’s recent position statements on such varied topics as President Trump’s border wall, the women’s march, abortion, and transgender bathrooms, Carlson asked Mr. Brune why the Sierra Club was veering away from protecting the … [Read more...]
How does Climate Alarmism Drive Human Trafficking?
Some climate alarmists believe global warming leads to more human trafficking. The truth is quite different. To prevent what they believe is dangerous manmade global warming, climate alarmists want to reduce CO2 emissions. This requires reducing fossil fuel consumption, which can be achieved partly by reducing consumption per person, but also by reducing the number of persons consuming. That requires reducing population growth and eventually population itself. This becomes a rationale for … [Read more...]
What Threatens Liberty and Increases Abortion, Human Trafficking, Government Debt, and Poverty?
Conservatives, Christian and non-Christian alike, share concerns about civil and religious liberty, abortion and the sanctity of human life, human trafficking and pornography and how they damage families, fiscal responsibility in government, and poverty. What many don’t know is that there are links between climate alarmism and every one of these issues. Let me take them in reverse order. First, climate alarmism undermines fiscal responsibility in government. Not only do governments … [Read more...]
Lions, Babies, and Moral Outrage
Properly aligned morals requires that weightier matters deserve more care and justify greater umbrage when violated. If one wanted a classic example of the upending of the moral hierarchy, one need look only at the juxtaposition of two stories, Planned Parenthood’s harvesting of baby parts and the killing of Cecil, a lion in Zimbabwe. Note the irony in how the two events are discussed. First, the dentist claims that he thought the hunt was legal. So if we take his reported comments at face … [Read more...]
Is Pope Francis Contributing to Human Trafficking?
Speaking to a gathering of mayors from around the world at the Vatican July 21, Pope Francis urged action to reduce global warming, saying he particularly hopes the UN climate summit later this year will address how it "affects the trafficking of people." Problem #1: Human-induced climate change has not affected the trafficking of people, or even migration in general. The one and only candidate for climate-change refugee status, a man from the island of Kiribati, just lost his case on appeal, … [Read more...]
A Prayer for our World (For the UnChristian, the Unborn, and the Suffering)
Our Father in Heaven, Hallowed be your name. We come before you today, acknowledging that you are Trinity. In you, all fruitful community and communication exist in holiness. We beg that your will be done in this broken and, yet, redeemed world. Today, the nation of Islam in on our minds. Today, we need Muslims around the world to come to a saving knowledge of your Son’s work on the cross. Today and tonight we need you, Holy Trinity, to work in the minds and hearts of all Muslims to show them … [Read more...]
A Prayer For the Preservation Of the Unborn
O Lord and giver of life, who hovered over the face of the deep, who animated our first parents, who gives life to all his image bearers, who sustains our common life together, who grants new life to all his people through the gospel, we pray that you might move mightily to preserve the life of unborn image bearers. We pray that you might protect them in the womb by softening the hearts of men and women whether they find themselves in distress, public pressure, or tempted to take advantage of … [Read more...]