Recently a colleague of mine, David Wojick, Ph.D., opined that presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden’s climate and energy plans are full of promises Biden can’t keep. Wojick is correct in the sense that Biden makes many promises he can’t enact through executive actions alone. Unfortunately, I fear Wojick is being far too optimistic about whether Congress would go along with the crazy climate initiatives Biden has promised.Even if the presidency and both houses of Congress fall … [Read more...]
What’s the Problem with the Commons—in Environment and Health Care?
For generations economists have recognized the "problem of the commons." The phrase harks back to when villagers all shared a common pasture. The natural incentive for each villager was to graze as many livestock on it as he could, because if instead he restricted his herd so the demand on the pasture's grass growth was sustainable, his neighbors would run more livestock, the commons would still be exhausted, and he'd be left behind. When instead each person must own the land on which he grazed … [Read more...]
Why are Young Americans Flocking to Bernie?
Of course young people like Bernie! He promises them free college, free health care—free, free, free. But why don’t these young people understand TANSTAAFL (“There ain’t no such thing as a free lunch”)? I’ll tell you. Their mistake is perfectly understandable. For eighteen, twenty, maybe twenty-five years or more practically all they’ve consumed has been free to them. Their parents have fed them, clothed them, housed them, medicated them, transported them, entertained them, educated … [Read more...]
Does the Bible Require Common Ownership of Land?
Does the Bible validate private property in land, or does it require that land be communally owned? With Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders, a self-professed socialist, doing surprisingly well in the Democratic Presidential primary campaign, such thoughts become increasingly common. Someone recently wrote: It seems to me that a theology that takes Creation as evidence of a Creator ... would recoil at privatizing Creation as a private income-generating asset. The way I come at environmental … [Read more...]
Why ISIS Should Support COP21 in Paris…
After the horrific terror attacks in Paris Friday night, there is considerable speculation over the possible cancellation of the COP21 climate talks in Paris in a couple of weeks. I will remind you that President Obama has stated that the threat of climate change is greater than the threat of terrorism. I will also remind you that many believe that ISIS would not have arisen if not for climate change, specifically, drought in Syria caused by your SUV. It is only logical that ISIS should be … [Read more...]
How does Climate Alarmism Drive Human Trafficking?
Some climate alarmists believe global warming leads to more human trafficking. The truth is quite different. To prevent what they believe is dangerous manmade global warming, climate alarmists want to reduce CO2 emissions. This requires reducing fossil fuel consumption, which can be achieved partly by reducing consumption per person, but also by reducing the number of persons consuming. That requires reducing population growth and eventually population itself. This becomes a rationale for … [Read more...]
Bernie Sanders Said What About Climate Change?
What's wrong with Democratic Presidential candidate and Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders's claim that climate change is the No. 1 threat to national security and could leave the world uninhabitable? My latest article in explains. Greener on the Other Side: Climate Models Agree, Nature is Wrong! … [Read more...]
What the Dems said about climate change
The money quote on climate change in the first Democratic presidential "debate" was Senator Bernie Sanders's response to moderator Anderson Cooper's question, "what is the greatest national security threat to the United States?" "The scientific community is telling us," Sanders said, "that if we do not address the global crisis of climate change, transform our energy system away from fossil fuel to sustainable energy, the planet that we’re going to be leaving our kids and our grandchildren may … [Read more...]