The Associated Press reports that Vatican officials are very upset over the leak of a draft of the much-anticipated papal encyclical on the environment yesterday. I find the concluding paragraph of the AP report most interesting: In the aftermath of the "Vatileaks" scandal, the Vatican City State updated its criminal code to include severe penalties for anyone who leaks a Vatican document or publishes news from it: Up to two years in prison and a 5,000 euro ($5,600) fine. Well, I suppose if the … [Read more...]
Is NOAA Lying to US (and Us) about US Climate History?
In an article titled "The 'Trick' to Controlling the Climate Agenda," energy physicist Michael W. Brakey accuses the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration of systematically falsifying historical temperature data to create the appearance of more warming than has actually happened. His argument: NOAA has applied an algorithm (a bit of computer code that applies itself repeatedly to a set of data) that systematically lowers observed temperature data more and more the farther back into … [Read more...]
Defense of Climate Models Fails–Just as the Models Do
Critics of CAGW alarmism have for several years had fun pointing out the large and growing discrepancy between computer climate model simulations of global average temperature and real-world observations, with this graph being one of our favorite exhibits: Now Alex Sen Gupta, Senior Lecturer, School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences at UNSW Australia, has come to the models' defense, and John Cook, Climate Communication Research Fellow (note that this doesn't make him a … [Read more...]
Why One Conservative, Evangelical Republican’s Case for Climate Alarm Fails—Part 2
Yesterday I began a multi-part critique of a recent blog post by Evangelical Environmental Network board chairman Scott Rodin titled "As a Conservative, Evangelical Republican, Why Climate Change Can't Be True (Even Though It Is)." In that piece I pointed out that scientific data point the opposite direction from where Rodin thinks they do. I also mentioned that Rodin was using logical fallacies and rhetorical tricks to precondition readers to accept his conclusions despite his lack of sound … [Read more...]
Oh, No! Polar Sea Ice Extent Is …
... pretty much stable. That's according to the most recent NASA data on polar sea ice extent, shown in this graph, posted by the University of Illinois's Department of Atmospheric Sciences: James Taylor comments: Updated NASA satellite data show the polar ice caps remained at approximately their 1979 extent until the middle of the last decade. Beginning in 2005, however, polar ice modestly receded for several years. By 2012, polar sea ice had receded by approximately 10 percent from … [Read more...]
Obviously this Guy’s a Science Denier!
Was it a critic of the IPCC's notion of dangerous manmade climate change who wrote this? The case against science is straightforward: much of the scientific literature, perhaps half, may simply be untrue. Afflicted by studies with small sample sizes, tiny effects, invalid exploratory analyses, and flagrant conflicts of interest, together with an obsession for pursuing fashionable trends of dubious importance, science has taken a turn towards darkness. As one participant put it, "poor methods get … [Read more...]
Why One Conservative, Evangelical Republican’s Case for Climate Alarm Fails—Part 1
Dr. Scott Rodin, chairman of the board of the Evangelical Environmental Network and a blogger at The Steward’s Journey, posted a piece May 19, 2015, titled, “As a Conservative, Evangelical Republican, Why Climate Change Can’t be True (Even Though It Is).” It has some very interesting reasoning and deserves careful consideration. In this and several future blog posts, I’m going to interact with it. He began, “Imagine a mathematician basing his or her entire life’s work on the premise that 1+1 = … [Read more...]
Alabama meteorologist James Spann hits the nail on the head
In responding to news hype about the flooding in Houston (the tragedies of which we most certainly don't want to downplay), James Spann, chief meteorologist for ABC 33/40 in Birmingham, Alabama, hit the nail on the head when he wrote, ... the entire climate change situation has become politicized, which I hate. Those on the right, and those on the left hang out in “echo chambers”, listening to those with similar world views refusing to believe anything else could be true. Everyone knows the … [Read more...]
Words Matter—and So Does Honesty
Some folks just don’t play fair. Instance? Media Matters and have just teamed up to pressure the media to not to characterize scientists who doubt claims of dangerous manmade global warming as “skeptics.” Their preferred term? “Deniers.” Why? Two reasons: First, because skepticism is a scientific virtue, which they don’t want to attribute to those who dare question them. Second, because “denier” smacks of Holocaust denial, anti-Semitism, and Nazism and so is the … [Read more...]
World’s Poor Desperately Need Abundant, Affordable, Reliable Energy
Cornwall's "Open Letter to Pope Francis on Climate Change" drove home multiple scientific and economic reasons for Pope Francis to send Ban Ki-Moon and Jeffrey Sachs packing last Tuesday. But most important is this: The world's poor desperately need abundant, affordable, reliable energy, and Sachs and Ban would deprive them of it. Pope Francis should protect the poor by ensuring that no policy he embraces on climate will delay their gaining access to abundant, affordable, reliable electricity. … [Read more...]
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