The 2020 Atlantic hurricane season, with 30 named storms, is going down in the record books as having the most named storms of any season on record. But are we comparing apples and apples—or apples and oranges?Some people blame the recent increase in named storms—tropical storms and hurricanes—on global warming, and infer that we must stop spewing CO2 into the atmosphere to curb the warming and so prevent the increase in storms and the damage they cause.But the raw data for hurricane history is … [Read more...]
Biden’s Climate Appointments and the Potential Disruption to the Global Fossil Fuel Market
With President-elect Joe Biden about to assume office, he will soon roll out his “clean energy” plan, aimed at reducing America’s dependence on fossil fuels.But such a move will cause ripples beyond America’s borders. It will likely impact key developing countries that have become increasingly reliant on fossil fuel imports from the booming U.S. oil and gas industry.Biden’s Clean Energy PlanIn December 2020, Joe Biden appointed his climate team, which included a person who served under the Obama … [Read more...]
Climate Change No Threat to India’s Agricultural Triumph
I meet a lot of farmers in India. Two-thirds of India’s 1.3 billion people depend on farming. When they learn that I do research in environmental sciences, the first question they ask is, “How is climate change going to impact agriculture in India?”Unpredictable MonsoonThe answer is not clear. Indian rainfall seasons have shown no specific trend over the past hundred years, and it is extremely difficult to predict the impact of warming or cooling. The farmers here—like those … [Read more...]
Study suggests no more CO2 warming
Precision research by physicists William Happer and William van Wijngaarden has determined that the present levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide and water vapor are almost completely saturated. In radiation physics the technical term “saturated” implies that adding more molecules will not cause more warming.In plain language this means that from now on our emissions from burning fossil fuels could have little or no further impact on global warming. There would be no climate emergency. No … [Read more...]
Eco-anxiety: A dangerous and unscientific doomsday construct
“Eco-anxiety” is now a popular term. It is being increasingly used in the media to describe an anxiety condition resulting from the fears about the coming environmental destruction.Climate Xchange for example, defines Eco-anxiety as a “feeling of stress, grief, helplessness, and fear of uncertainty associated with the grim outlook for our climatic and ecological systems if business continues as usual.” The American Psychological Association defines Eco-anxiety as “a chronic fear of … [Read more...]
Climate Strike: Instilling Fear and Creating a Scientific Void
People around the world participated in a climate strike on September 25, joining climate activist Greta Thunberg’s Fridays for Future “school strike” movement.Protestors in Toronto blocked an intersection, while those in Moscow danced in their custom-made green shirts. In India, children protested in front of the ministry of environment, holding placards with dubious claims.There were strikes even in Beirut, where the supposed danger from climate has been far less than other life-threatening … [Read more...]
Newsom vows to fast track toward Germany’s failed climate goals
He wants an electrical grid of intermittent electricity free of fossil fuels before 2045California Governor Gavin Newsom announced on Friday, September 11, that he is about to take one giant step toward following Germany’s failed climate goals, which should be a wake-up all for governments everywhere.Like Germany, California’s renewables are becoming an increasing share in intermittent electricity generation, but at a high cost. Power prices in Germany are among the highest in … [Read more...]
‘Creation Care’ Means Controlling People, Not the Environment
Author Hayden Ludwig will be joining the Cornwall Alliance for our Facebook and YouTube Livestream "From the Stacks" on August 18 at 7:00 pm ET. We will answer questions from the comments live during that hour.Is it pro-life to eliminate the unborn, limit the size of families, or forcibly sterilize the mentally "unfit"? The answer is a solid no—but the same leftists who have supported all of these anti-human policies in the past want to fool you into believing the opposite is true. The scheme is … [Read more...]
Ross McKitrick: All those warming-climate predictions suddenly have a big, new problem
One of the most important numbers in the world goes by the catchy title of Equilibrium Climate Sensitivity, or ECS. It is a measure of how much the climate responds to greenhouse gases. More formally, it is defined as the increase, in degrees Celsius, of average temperatures around the world, after doubling the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and allowing the atmosphere and the oceans to adjust fully to the change. The reason it’s important is that it is the ultimate justification for … [Read more...]
Factually Examining Climate Change
Most of the world’s leading economic powers – excluding China Russia and Iran – are legitimizing misguided energy and electricity policies based on global warming/climate change (GWCC); the World Health Organization says, “climate change is the number one health threat.” This led to the 97% consensus of scientists believe in anthropogenic global warming “Cook et al. (2013 paper),” which has been “thoroughly refuted in scholarly peer-reviewed journals,” and over ninety seven different … [Read more...]
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