Vibrant Christian faith is alive and well in the United Kingdom, as Cornwall Alliance’s Dr. E. Calvin Beisner experienced when he spoke on climate change, energy policy, and Christian faith last night (December 14) at Watchorn Methodist Church in Alfreton, Derbyshire, England. Dr. Beisner was the guest of Answers in Genesis–UK, which hosted the event in conjunction with Rev. John Peters, pastor of Watchorn Church. Alerted to the rare opportunity to hear a view about climate change that differs … [Read more...]
How Can You Treat Your Students to a World-Renowned Speaker at Next to Zero Cost?
Whether you’re a teacher, a student, or a parent, you know that every teacher faces the challenge of introducing students to a wide variety of perspectives on a wide variety of subjects, yet having personal expertise in only a few. The Cornwall Alliance can help with that! Founder and National Spokesman Dr. E. Calvin Beisner has spoken on site and in person to many graduate school, college, high school, and middle school classes. But he’s also available to speak for classes via phone or … [Read more...]
Supreme Court Vindicates Cornwall Alliance on Mercury Emissions
Monday, July 1, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the federal Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) violated the law by imposing regulations on mercury emissions from power plants without first doing thorough benefit/cost estimates. Nearly four years ago the Cornwall Alliance published a study by environmental regulatory economics Dr. Timothy Terrell, The Cost of Good Intentions: The Ethics and Economics of the War on Conventional Energy, that made that very point. Dr. Terrell comments on the … [Read more...]
Global Warming Mainly Natural and Not Catastrophic, Says New Study from Interfaith Stewardship Alliance
August 2, 2006 (Washington, D.C.) -- While global warming is real, catastrophic, human-induced global warming isn’t, and mandatory reductions in fossil fuel use to fight it are unwise, say the authors of “A Call to Truth, Prudence, and Protection of the Poor: An Evangelical Response to Global Warming,” released publicly in Washington, D.C., by the Interfaith Stewardship Alliance (ISA) July 25. The paper is a point-by-point refutation of “Climate Change: A Call to Action,” issued in February by … [Read more...]
ISA announces launch of Cornwall Network at Senate luncheon – Driessen
Thank you for coming to this important event. I am here today not only as a representative of CORE, the civil rights organization that James Chaney, Andrew Goodman and Michael Schwerner were working for when they were brutally murdered in Mississippi in 1964. I’m also here as an Eagle Scout, outdoorsman, Earth Day organizer – and former Sierra Club member and environmental activist. I say former, because (based on long personal experience) I have concluded that today’s environmental movement is … [Read more...]
ISA Announces Launch of Cornwall Network at Senate Luncheon
Dr. E. Calvin Beisner addresses the crowd at the "Pulpits, Pews and Environmental Policy: How the Cornwall Declaration is helping define the mandate of Biblical stewardship" luncheon briefing. Before a packed room in the Dirksen Senate Office Building on April 19th, 2006, the Interfaith Stewardship Alliance (ISA), in conjunction with the Acton Institute for the Study of Religion and Liberty, and the Institute on Religion and Democracy, hosted a special Capitol Hill luncheon briefing entitled … [Read more...]
ISA Announces Launch of Cornwall Network at Senate Luncheon – Weitz
My name is Ralph Weitz, Stewardship Pastor for Immanuel Bible Church in Springfield, VA. I have a degree in Forest Technology and a degree in Forest Management. As an evangelical pastor I take seriously the issue of God’s command to subdue and rule over the earth. It is a divine responsibility – a stewardship. That word reflects a responsibility of management. The religious community needs environmentally aware study materials that are sound scientifically and biblically insightful. We need to … [Read more...]
ISA announces launch of Cornwall Network at Senate luncheon – Tonkowich
It’s hard to believe that it’s thirty years ago, but thirty years ago—almost to the date—I was with a group of college friends hiking Mount Washington from the west. We went up the Ammonoosuc Ravine Trail to Lake of the Clouds. It was a bright sunny day and relatively warm for April in New Hampshire. The spring melt was pouring down the ravine in wonderful eddies and waterfalls, and there was still plenty of snow above timberline for some snow climbing to the summit. What a day. In fact we … [Read more...]
ISA announces launch of Cornwall Network at Senate luncheon – Beisner
Good afternoon. I’m Calvin Beisner, associate professor of social ethics at Knox Theological Seminary and a founder and spokesman of the Interfaith Stewardship Alliance. I want to thank the Acton Institute for the Study of Religion and Democracy and the Institute on Religion and Democracy, whose new president, Jim Tonkowich, will be one of our speakers today, for co-sponsoring this briefing. To all of you, welcome, and thank you for coming. We are excited today to launch what we are calling the … [Read more...]
New Religious Coalition Brings Balanced Biblical Perspective to Environmental Issues
Washington, DC – In a marriage of environmental concern and religious faith, the launch of the Cornwall Alliance for the Stewardship of Creation* was announced by Ugandan Ambassador Edith Ssempala, along with a distinguished group of Alliance organizers, at a press conference at the Embassy of the Republic of Uganda. The Cornwall Alliance adds a powerful voice to some of the most prominent environmental and developmental issues worldwide. The coalition promotes the principles of the Cornwall … [Read more...]