S. Fred Singer, who died last year, was an emeritus Professor of Environmental Sciences at the University of Virginia, well-known for his written and spoken clarity. His last book, the Third Edition of Hot Talk, Cold Science: Global Warming’s Unfinished Debate, is the most lucid example of his communication talents.This book is just like Fred, who was always smiling, had a good word for everyone, and was enthusiastic about his work. His attitude reminded me of Minnesota’s Hubert Humphrey, … [Read more...]
Does CO2 Control Temperature, or Vice Versa?
A Cornwall Alliance follower on Facebook wrote,I remember hearing someone reputable say once that the known historical record actually shows increases in CO2 after periods of warming, rather than before them. I believe might have been referencing ice core records among others. I found him persuasive, and if this is true, it seems it would be an important hurdle for climate change alarmists to get over. Agree/disagree, insight?Climatologist Dr. David Legates, a Cornwall Alliance Senior Fellow, … [Read more...]
Dr. Roy Spencer Receives Frederick Seitz Memorial Award
Cornwall Alliance Senior Fellow Dr. Roy W. Spencer received the Frederick Seitz Memorial Award, in recognition of his work, with colleague Dr. John Christy, on satellite monitoring of global temperature, and "the exceptional courage [he] has shown in the quest for knowledge and the great contribution he has made to science," Tuesday, August 7. The Science and Environmental Policy Project (SEPP) gave Spencer the award at the America First Energy Conference, sponsored by The Heartland … [Read more...]
Climate Change and the Christian Faith
Professor Katharine Hayhoe spoke on "Climate and Faith in the Public Arena" in her John Stott London Lecture November 16. Like Dr. Hayhoe, I'm a climate scientist; like her, I'm a Christian; like her, I care about my neighbors and want to protect them from harm; and like her, and I'm committed to stewardship of God's wonderful creation. Nonetheless, for these very reasons I cannot help questioning some of what she has said about climate change. In announcing the lecture, A Rocha … [Read more...]
“Climate Change”: A Leap of Faith?
Tonight at Duke University there will be a panel discussion titled “Climate Change Not a Leap of Faith.” Among the event hosts is the group Young Evangelicals for Climate Action, an offshoot of the Evangelical Environmental Network. They and the Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions, the Nicholas School of the Environment, and the Kenan Institute for Ethics are bringing in the Nicholas Institute’s Amy Pickle, the Nicholas School’s Megan Mullin, the Kenan Institute’s David … [Read more...]
The Theologization of Global Warming Among American Evangelicals: Who Says Religion and Science Can’t Mix?
[Note: This essay was written in the summer of 2010 at the request of Dr. Patrick Michaels, intended for a book he was editing. His publisher declined to include it in the book because of its religious content. It was never published elsewhere until now. We hope it remains a helpful survey of the history of the debate over global warming among evangelicals up to that time.—ECB, March 11, 2016] Introduction In the last half decade there has been a blossoming of public concern about global … [Read more...]
Does the “Precautionary Principle” Favor Fighting “Climate Change”?
Proponents of efforts to mitigate climate change often appeal to the “Precautionary Principle”—Principle #15 of the Rio Declaration in 1992: “In order to protect the environment, the precautionary approach shall be widely applied by States according to their capabilities … [W]here there are threats of serious or irreversible damage, lack of full scientific certainty shall not be used as a reason for postponing cost-effective measures to prevent environmental degradation.” In light of that, we … [Read more...]
I Love My Job, and Sometimes It’s Really, Really Fun!
Back in June I had the tremendous privilege of interviewing 32 scholars and leaders on camera for Cornwall Alliance's forthcoming documentary, Where the Grass is Greener: Biblical Stewardship vs. Climate Alarmism, and our already posting YouTube video series Greener on the Other Side: Climate Alarmism---Facts, Not Fear (subscribe to our YouTube channel and you'll be notified of new videos when they post). Many of these are giants in their fields. All are brilliant people and dedicated to the … [Read more...]
An Open Letter to Pope Francis on Climate Change
Your Holiness: April 27, 2015—As world leaders contemplate a climate agreement, many look to you for guidance. We commend you for your care for the earth and God’s children, especially the poor. With this letter we raise some matters of concern that we ask you to consider as you convey that guidance. Much of the debate over environmental stewardship is rooted in a clash of worldviews, with conflicting doctrines of God, creation, humanity, sin, and salvation. Unfortunately, that clash often … [Read more...]
We Pray for the Honorable Scientists Who Are Being Attacked for Speaking Truth
Heavenly Father, Your Law clearly commands us not to bear false witness against our neighbors. Right now eight courageous people weigh heavily on my mind—eight climate scholars targeted by a politically motivated and baseless attack on their personal integrity because they are so intrepid as to stand against a powerful tide driven by enormous political and financial interests. Father, please vindicate Dr. Robert C. Balling of Arizona State University, Dr. John Christy of the University of … [Read more...]