For too long, the conversation around energy policy in the United States has been dominated by a toxic brew of partisan rancor, media sensationalism, and international grandstanding. The far-left media are now driving a narrative that President Trump’s positions are an assault on reason itself. But the opposite is the truth.What we’re witnessing isn’t a denial of science or a retreat from reality. It’s a bold, pragmatic recalibration – one rooted in economic foresight, scientific clarity, and a … [Read more...]
EPA Now Stuck Between a Rock and a Hard Place on CO2
There are lots of happy reports on the Supreme Court’s ruling throwing out EPA’s so-called Clean Power Plan. Some go so far as to suggest that EPA is barred from regulating power plant CO2 emissions.It is not quite that simple and the result is rather amusing. EPA is still required to regulate CO2 under the terms of the Clean Air Act, but that Act provides no way to do that regulation. The Clean Power Plan attempted to expand an obscure minor clause in the Act to do the job but SCOTUS correctly … [Read more...]
EPA’s totalitarian assault on America
Biden-Harris Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Michael Regan is clearly on a mission. He has “bold aspirations, and a long to-do list,” says The Washington Post. But to succeed, the Post acknowledges, he must “help the EPA get its groove back.” As Regan put it, “We’ve got a lot of work to do, starting with rebuilding staff morale and getting all our staff back to feeling as if they matter, their voices matter.” Regan says his job is “to restore the scientific integrity … [Read more...]
Government Transparency Should Not be Controversial
Ballot harvesting, behind-the-curtains ballot counting and other hijinks have made transparency a critical issue this election year.Meanwhile, as the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency celebrates its fiftieth birthday, political battles continue to rage over the extent of public, executive and congressional oversight, and access to research files, original data and other information used by the agency in taking legal actions against individuals, institutions and businesses. The latest salvos … [Read more...]
Trump Administration Cleans Up the Environment, Critics Carp from the Sidelines
Even as President Donald Trump kept his promise to roll back unnecessary regulations that hamper U.S. economic competitiveness and job creation, his administration demonstrated its commitment to cleaning up the environment and keeping statutory deadlines for making environmental decisions.Trump’s efforts to spur significant economic growth and create high-paying jobs began shortly after his inauguration, when on January 30, 2017, he signed Executive Order 13771, directing agencies to issue at … [Read more...]
More Evidence that Deep-State EPA Bureaucrats Aren’t Giving Up
Just in case you wondered whether deep-state bureaucrats at the federal Environmental Protection Agency had finally been brought under control, accountable to the people through their elected President and the EPA Administrator he appoints and the Senate that confirms the appointment, the answer is "No."Cause of Action Institute announced yesterday that it has discovered that, despite the fact that "the EPA informed the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) that as of June 2018, … [Read more...]
Does Government Really Need to Regulate Everything?
In high school and college, I competed in debate tournaments across the state and country. I clearly remember many occasions when a debate team’s plan would include abolishing some government program. Inevitably, the opponents would ask, “What will you replace it with?” Only once did I hear any debater respond with, “Nothing at all. Government shouldn’t be doing that at all.” Everyone in the room was stunned, and that team lost. Even today, most people find it hard to imagine abolishing … [Read more...]
No More Secret Science, Needs No More Secret Economics
Controversial Administrator at the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Scott Pruitt, said in a press release on April 24th that: “The era of secret science at [the] EPA is coming to an end.” This is in the context of him signing a proposed rule to strengthen the science used in regulations issued by EPA. This is also in the context of Executive Order 13777 (issued in March 2017) which provides for regulatory reform of “those regulations that [do not] meet the standard of reproducibility.” The … [Read more...]
Has Scott Pruitt Brought Armageddon to the EPA?
According to two former Administrators, current federal Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt has set the agency back by anything from several years to as much as three decades due to “regulatory rollbacks, mass attrition and budget cuts.” That sounds ominous. It isn’t. At present EPA is operating under FY2017 funding levels. While projected FY2018 funding cuts will be substantial, they have not yet taken place. The FY2018 budget’s 28% reduction for the Superfund program … [Read more...]
Time for the Clean Power Plan to Go, Endangerment Finding Should Be Next
Even before the ink was dry on former President Barack Obama’s signature mandating the creation of Clean Power Plan (CPP) regulations, state governments and industry were rushing up the courthouse steps to challenge the plan and block its implementation. Despite the fact CPP is just two years old, it has already traveled a long and winding road to its final oblivion (one hopes)! CPP required states to reduce their electric power sector carbon-dioxide emissions by 32 percent below 2005 levels … [Read more...]
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