Author Hayden Ludwig will be joining the Cornwall Alliance for our Facebook and YouTube Livestream "From the Stacks" on August 18 at 7:00 pm ET. We will answer questions from the comments live during that hour.Is it pro-life to eliminate the unborn, limit the size of families, or forcibly sterilize the mentally "unfit"? The answer is a solid no—but the same leftists who have supported all of these anti-human policies in the past want to fool you into believing the opposite is true. The scheme is … [Read more...]
A Challenge to Evangelical Climate Scientist Katharine Hayhoe
Late last year someone sent me a link to Dr. Katharine Hayhoe’s column “I’m a Climate Scientist Who Believes in God. Hear Me Out.” It was published in the New York Times October 31, 2019.Dr. Hayhoe’s Ph.D. is in atmospheric science. But she teaches in the political science department at Texas Tech University. She criticizes evangelicals who disagree with her about the causes, magnitude, consequences, and appropriate responses to climate change, aka global warming.Hayhoe Malignly … [Read more...]
Evangelicals, Global Warming, and Intellectual Freedom and Integrity
The great Russian scientist and human rights activist Andrei Sakharov wisely said: "Intellectual freedom is essential to human society—freedom to obtain and distribute information, freedom for open-minded and unfearing debate, and freedom from pressure by officialdom and prejudices.the only guarantee against an infection of people by mass myths, which, in the hands of treacherous hypocrites and demagogues, can be transformed into bloody dictatorship. Freedom of thought is the only … [Read more...]
Good Stewards, Good Samaritans
The environment is again an important election issue. Some candidates have claimed religious support for their views, but there is no single “Christian” perspective on the environment. It is a question of fact and prudence, not theology. We all have a stake in a healthy environment. God gave humanity dominion over the earth and called us to be good stewards of his creation. But he gave us no particular policy agenda. Rather, we must work together to balance environmental protection, economic … [Read more...]
(Updated) Global Warming is not Avenue to Evangelical Vote
Washington, DC; January 11, 2008 – As the presidential primaries heat up, there continues to be much confusion about where evangelicals, a key voting bloc, stand on environmental issues. Widespread references to supposed evangelical support for global warming policies highlight this misunderstanding, according to the Cornwall Alliance for the Stewardship of Creation, a leading voice in the faith community on environmental issues. The executive committee of the 30-million member National … [Read more...]
Global Warming: Why Evangelicals Should Not Be Alarmed
An annotated, PDF version of this article is available for Download. In a documentary aired August 23, 2007, by CNN and titled “God’s Warriors,” Richard Cizik, vice president for governmental affairs of the National Association of Evangelicals, said about evangelicals who disagree with his urgent appeals for action to fight global warming: Historically, evangelicals have reasoned like this: Scientists believe in evolution. Scientists are telling us climate change is real. Therefore, I won’t … [Read more...]
Contrary to Media Reports, National Association of Evangelicals Has Not Endorsed Latest Statement on Global Warming
Despite widespread perceptions, the National Association of Evangelicals (NAE) has not endorsed a new “collaboration” of scientists and evangelicals announced at a press conference in Washington today. A media advisory from the collaborative group dated January 12 claimed that at the press conference, “Leaders of the evangelical and scientific communities will announce an unprecedented joint effort to protect the global environment and advance policies that address some of the most pressing … [Read more...]
Scientific Orthodoxies, Politicized Science, and Catastrophic Global Warming: Challenges to Evangelicals Navigating Rough Waters in Science and Policy
Click here to download the full paper. The year 2006 has seen a major division among evangelicals over a strange, multifaceted issue: whether human action is causing potentially catastrophic global warming and what, if anything, should be done about it. That division quite possibly had enormous political consequences in the mid-term elections just completed, contributing to both diminished voter turnout among evangelicals and a decline in their support for Republican candidates from 75 percent … [Read more...]
Fact Sheet: Evangelicals Should be Wary of the Politicization and Bad Science of Global Warming Alarmism
Download the Fact Sheet In recent months, the news has carried a spate of stories about Christians embracing the cause of global warming. These news stories highlight some evangelical leaders who have endorsed alarmist claims in their public statements, urged political action on climate change, and even screened Al Gore’s movie, An Inconvenient Truth, in their churches. It’s no surprise that some politicians are welcoming converts to the cause on the eve of national elections, or that the … [Read more...]
Appeal Letter to the National Association of Evangelicals on the Issue of Global Warming
Leading evangelicals ask NAE to refrain from taking a position on climate change issue We have appreciated the bold stance that the National Association of Evangelicals (NAE) has taken on controversial issues like embracing a culture of life, protecting traditional marriage and family, promoting abstinence as AIDS prevention, and many others. We respectfully request, however, that the NAE not adopt any official position on the issue of global climate change. Global warming is not a consensus … [Read more...]