People around the world participated in a climate strike on September 25, joining climate activist Greta Thunberg’s Fridays for Future “school strike” movement.Protestors in Toronto blocked an intersection, while those in Moscow danced in their custom-made green shirts. In India, children protested in front of the ministry of environment, holding placards with dubious claims.There were strikes even in Beirut, where the supposed danger from climate has been far less than other life-threatening … [Read more...]
Are Schools and Media to Blame for Children’s Climate-change Neuroses?
The Independent reported March 3 that “a growing number of children are being affected by eco-anxiety—concern about ecological disasters.”Question: Do you suppose there is any connection between what school children are being taught in the classroom and may see on broadcast “news” all over the world—if they take time to pay attention—and their states of mind?Neither a typical school teacher, nor the average news reporter, is sufficiently grounded in the arcane discipline of climate science … [Read more...]
When Christians get Entangled in Climate Idolatry
The climate school strike movement grabbed the spotlight lately, with students across the world protesting against inaction towards the “climate crisis.” The movement’s leader, Greta Thunberg, has found supporters even in the global church leadership.However, in recent years, the church’s support for the climate movement seems to be morphing into a social justice issue that is void of sound Biblical doctrine.Over the past year, Greta’s climate strike movement has drawn huge support from all … [Read more...]
Drama Over Science? Greta’s Climate Speech and Appeal to Emotion
As a scientist, I think science ought to have taken center stage at the recently concluded United Nations climate summit in New York City. The reason is obvious: climate change is a scientific issue. Instead, we witnessed a political spectacle. Media outlets and celebrities (on Twitter) celebrated Greta Thunberg’s climate summit speech, making it the highlight of the summit.In a fiery speech, based on a hand-written note, Greta condemned world leaders for making excuses and not acting on … [Read more...]
Here Are 4 Outrageously Insane Climate Proposals
Judging from the much-hyped and widely mocked speech by Swedish teen activist Greta Thunberg at the United Nations earlier this week, it’s clear that some young people are convinced that the world will soon end unless we do something drastic.“You have stolen my dreams and my childhood with your empty words,” Thunberg said. “… We are in the beginning of a mass extinction and all you can talk about is money and fairy tales of eternal economic growth. How dare you!”Earlier this year, I noted some … [Read more...]
The Tragedy of Greta Thunberg
Sixteen-year-old Swedish climate change activist Greta Thunberg lives in the healthiest, wealthiest, safest, and most peaceful era humans have ever known. She is one of the luckiest people ever to have lived.In a just world, Thunberg would be at the United Nations thanking capitalist countries for bequeathing her this remarkable inheritance. Instead, she, like millions of other indoctrinated kids her age, act as if they live in a uniquely broken world on the precipice of disaster. This is a … [Read more...]
New York Climate Meet’s Controversies and Failures: Set to Continue?
The recently concluded United Nations (UN) climate summit in New York City embroiled itself in controversies even before it began. Swedish school girl Greta Thunberg’s speech overshadowed these controversies, but their impact will be felt in years to come.China and India Threaten to Stop Climate Action if Funds Don’t ArriveOn September 17, India and China issued a press release and discussion paper, respectively, on climate action. The highlight of both was the demand for … [Read more...]
The Hopeless Non-Gospel of Climate Alarmism
Christians, as described by the Lord Jesus Christ, are the salt and light of this dark world. They bring good news to those with no hope.Although tough times, challenges, and suffering are an inescapable in this fallen world, the Scriptures command believers to give thanks to God in all circumstances, pray without ceasing, and not be anxious (1 Thessalonians 5:16–18).Some of our most common challenges include sickness, financial difficulties, persecution, unjust government, and social unrest and … [Read more...]
Evidence of Media Bias about Climate Change Part 6: Greta Thunberg’s Sailboat Trip
This is the sixth and last in a series by Cornwall Alliance Senior Fellow Roy W. Spencer, Ph.D. (Meteorology), Principal Research Scientist, University of Alabama at Huntsville, exposing media bias in reporting about climate change.The new spokesperson for the world’s youth regarding concerns over global warming is 16-year-old Swede Greta Thunberg. Greta is travelling across the Atlantic on what CNN describes as a “zero-emissions yacht” to attend the UN Climate Action Summit on September 23 in … [Read more...]
Bullying a Generation into Climate Groupthink
A school girl in Sweden was allegedly bullied and branded a “climate denier” by her teachers and peers after she refused to participate in the “climate strike.” Responding to the unfair and abusive treatment of her daughter, the mother of the school girl said, “If you do not hang out on Greta Thunberg and for the climate then you should be singled out and bullied……They should at least be neutral and respect the students who do not want to skip school. There must be different ways we can relate … [Read more...]