Less than two years ago, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which wants us to trust its prognostications about conditions a century from now enough to bet trillions on them, warned that global warming threatened global food supplies. But last week The New Indian Express reported, “International food prices dipped by 19 percent in the last year, the fourth consecutive annual fall .” Stop and think about that for a moment. In 2014 the IPCC’s Working Group II warned that … [Read more...]
A Nation of Plenty: Food Insecurity vs. Hunger
The United States is one of the wealthiest countries in the world, yet some of its citizens still go hungry, some are homeless, some fall through the cracks. Many people who are not suffering are still counted among the 48 million the U.S Department of Agriculture claims are “food insecure.” How is that possible? Simply stated, it’s not. Capitalism has created immense prosperity within the U.S., and most people have sufficient food. What’s more, as CO2 increases, global greening occurs … [Read more...]
Remembering an Agricultural Hero Amid Local Food Shortages
This article was originally published on Townhall.com. World Grain just reported that the east African countries of Kenya and Uganda are currently facing severe localized food insecurity. Food “is restricted to specific areas due to various factors including an influx of refugees, a concentration of internally displaced persons, or a combination of crop failure and acute poverty. The situation in Kenya, which has about 1.5 million people mainly in north-eastern pastoral areas staring at severe … [Read more...]
We Pray for Those Working in the Jardim Gramacho Landfill, Brazil
BACKGROUND REPORT by The Rt. Rev. William Mikler The Jardim Gramacho landfill is the largest garbage dump in South America. No longer active, this enormous trash heap is home to 12,000 people who have neither running water nor sewage. Most all live in shacks made of cardboard or tin, and share the dump with wild pigs, vermin, snakes, and buzzards. Many of the inhabitants are children who do not know who their father is. The Life Change Project Rio team that serves in the dump is comprised of … [Read more...]
We Pray for “Daily Bread”
Father, we come to You requesting "daily bread" for our brothers and sisters the world over because we know when the Bride of Jesus has food, the hungry in their neighborhood will have food. Wait, forgive us, your children for the many times we have enjoyed plenty to eat and not even considered the hungry in the world nor how their hunger may be addressed. May those You raised up with the means to feed the poor prosper and increase, but teach us that physical food ought never to take the lead … [Read more...]
We Pray for Those who are Working to Alleviate Poverty and Suffering
Creator of all things, King of the Universe, I praise you for the wonderful creation you have made, in which you have displayed your infinite wisdom, glorious creativity, almighty power, and love of beauty and complex design. I praise you also that you are a holy judge. When Adam and Eve rebelled against your law, you cursed your creation so that while it still bears abundant testimony to your creative goodness, it is now a continual reminder to us, as sinful descendants of Adam and Eve, of our … [Read more...]
We Pray for Those Who Lack Access to Safe Drinking Water
O God, who causes streams to flow in the wilderness and the desert to blossom as a rose, look mercifully, we beg you, on the plight of those who lack access to safe drinking water. You have bestowed upon us mercy that surpasses human comprehension already in the sacrifice of your Son. Yet we beseech you, the Father of all mercies, to supply nonetheless the needs of those deprived of clean water to drink. This problem, O God, far exceeds the capacities of human ingenuity, and we can hope to … [Read more...]
End Federal Ethanol Policy’s Harm to the Poor and the Environment
To borrow a phrase from another debate (where it is misused), the science is settled. So is the economics. As Peter Suderman points out, the federal Environmental Protection Agency proposes reducing from 18.5 billion to 15.2 billion gallons the amount of renewable fuel (essentially, ethanol, almost all from corn) it requires refiners to mix into total U.S. gasoline production each year. Well, the longest journey begins with a single step. But this journey could be completed in one fell … [Read more...]
How Will We Feed Africa?
Environmental activists are spending millions of dollars in their campaign to ban genetically modified foods, as millions of Africans starve. These activists, who must believe that ideology is a good substitute for bread on the table, need to understand some simple truths. Human activity is based on living a healthy life. Sufficient food is the first requirement for health, which gives people the strength to flourish and live productive lives. Hunger and undernourishment undermine human society, … [Read more...]