Fifty Indiana economists advise bad science and bad economics. Recently, 50 Indiana economists issued a public letter to their state’s legislature endorsing a “carbon tax” as an economically wise way to curb global warming by reducing carbon dioxide emissions. The fundamental premise of taxing CO2 emissions is that they cause more harm than good (and thus are what economists call a “negative externality” — a cost of doing business not borne by a firm but foisted off … [Read more...]
Pardon Me, I Cannot Hear You
I was pleased when I read the Indiana Religious Freedom Reformation Act (RFRA). The law allows individuals and companies to use religions convictions to protect them from from being sued for discrimination. Finally, some protection for a photographer who refused to take pictures at a homosexual wedding ceremony or the baker who will not bake a cake for the reception. Obviously, the intent of the law is not to allow a retail store to refuse service to a customer because the color of his skin or … [Read more...]