The Big Switch will massively change AmericaThe election of the Biden-Harris ticket will, we are told, hasten the death of the internal combustion engine in the United States. Once the sale of new gasoline engine vehicles is banned, the only question remaining is how long before driving them is also outlawed? Well, incoming Vice President Kamala Harris promised that, “By my plan, by 2045 we will have basically zero emission vehicles only.100 percent by 2045.”President-elect Biden has promised in … [Read more...]
Send the Paris Climate Treaty to the Senate
Article II, Section 2 of the US Constitution is simple and direct: “The President ... shall have Power, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, to make Treaties, provided two-thirds of the Senators present concur.” It served America well for 225 years. Then, in 2015, the UN’s “international community” of climate activists gathered in Paris to hammer out language requiring that developed nations slash their fossil fuel use, tighten greenhouse gas emission targets every five years, … [Read more...]
Must We Always Have Paris? How Trump Can Spoil Biden’s Climate Dream
On September 3, 2016, then-President Barack Obama engaged the United States in the Paris climate agreement.He called it the “most ambitious climate change agreement in history.”That means Obama considered it more ambitious than the Framework Convention on Climate Change—a treaty the Senate approved October 7, 1992.It means he considered it more ambitious than the Kyoto Protocol, American engagement in which the Senate killed with S.Res.98, passed by a roll-call vote of 95-0 on July 25, 1997.That … [Read more...]
Biden vs. Obama on Fracking
Fracking — a procedure to extract natural gas from earth — made headlines recently after Vice President Mike Pence and Democrat vice presidential candidate Senator Kamala Harris brought it up during their debate.Leading up to the 2020 elections, both Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden and Senator Harris, on various occasions, have remarked that they will end fracking. But during the vice presidential debate, Harris denied Biden’s anti-fracking stance and instead remarked that … [Read more...]
Biden’s Climate Plan Would Put Us On The Road To Serfdom
Recently a colleague of mine, David Wojick, Ph.D., opined that presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden’s climate and energy plans are full of promises Biden can’t keep. Wojick is correct in the sense that Biden makes many promises he can’t enact through executive actions alone. Unfortunately, I fear Wojick is being far too optimistic about whether Congress would go along with the crazy climate initiatives Biden has promised.Even if the presidency and both houses of Congress fall … [Read more...]
Biden’s 2-Trillion Dollar Blunder Imperils Economic Recovery
Joe Biden, the presumptive Democrat nominee for President, recently unveiled his “new infrastructure and clean energy plan.” If enacted, it could have devastating and long-lasting impact on the American economy.Why? The $2 Trillion Clean Energy Plan will essentially strip the American economy of its backbone: the conventional energy sector.Biden’s announcement page declares that “he will make a $2 trillion accelerated investment, with a plan to deploy those resources over his first term, setting … [Read more...]
Muddled Approach Could Jeopardize U.S. Energy Future
Presidential candidate Joe Biden has introduced a $2 trillion Clean Energy Plan.Besides missing out on providing information about how the proposed transitions to “clean technology” would work, the extreme shift towards a fossil-free energy sector reveals the volatility in Biden’s approach.Fossil Fuel, Economy, and Radical EnvironmentalismEnergy sectors are the backbone of any economy. In the U.S., fossil fuels have been singularly responsible for fueling American industries, which in turn … [Read more...]
How Many Uninfected People Will the “War on the Coronavirus” Kill?
Following is the text of Cornwall Alliance’s first “From the Stacks” livestream program with Founder and National Spokesman E. Calvin Beisner on Facebook, April 7, 2020. We post it here because Internet technical problems made some parts inaudible to viewers. Today, let’s talk about the novel Coronavirus, or COVID-19, and our governments’ responses to it. I’m going to argue that our governing authorities need to expand the sources from whom they seek advice about how to deal with this … [Read more...]
Why Did Some U.S. Firms Support Paris Agreement?
Since well before former President Barack Obama signed onto it as an executive agreement (because he knew the Senate wouldn’t ratify it), a number of large American corporations have supported the Paris climate accord. As the time neared when President Donald Trump would announce whether he would keep his campaign promise to withdraw from it, some signed an open letter advising him not to. Many corporations are household names---Adobe, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts, Facebook, Gap, … [Read more...]