In my years as a seminary professor of ethics, I saw few things more sinister and devious than the seemingly innocuous statement, “a biblically shaped commitment to the sanctity of human life compels us to a consistent ethic of life that affirms the sanctity of human life from beginning to end.” That’s not because life isn’t sacred from beginning to end, but because those who use it do so consistently to hide a serious ethical confusion.Recently a group calling itself “Pro-Life Evangelicals for … [Read more...]
World Magazine Exposes Evangelical Environmentalists’ Growing Dependence on Green-Left Funding
Many environmentalists are fond of accusing all critics of their alarms of being in the pocket of industry. World magazine has just turned the tables. In a three-page article, World environment reporter Daniel James Devine reports that evangelical "creation care" organizations like the Evangelical Environmental Network (EEN), its daughter organization Young Evangelicals for Climate Action (YECA), and the once-conservative now moderate-to-Left-leaning Christian Coalition receive a major share of … [Read more...]