This past week as I was preparing to publish a webcast, Are Renewable Energy Mandates Effective, news dropped from the Wall Street Journal that the Biden Administration is pursuing a “BackDoor” Climate Plan that would bypass Congress. About the same time, on March 18, Annie Grayer of CNN tweeted that AOC is preparing to “re-rollout” the Green New Deal. When you control Congress and the White House, why do you need to use a backdoor to begin with? With so much zealotry behind net-zero by 2050, it … [Read more...]
Learning the Wrong Lesson in Texas?
As we all know, terrible ice storms recently in the Lone Star state froze many of their wind turbines and froze some of the gas pipelines, knocking out electricity for millions at a critical time. Some people even froze to death.This was a tragedy, but despite the utter failure of “green” energy sources during the crisis, some on the left tried to use it to blame the climate alarmism skeptics for the debacle.For example, Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) said that the … [Read more...]
Factually Examining Climate Change
Most of the world’s leading economic powers – excluding China Russia and Iran – are legitimizing misguided energy and electricity policies based on global warming/climate change (GWCC); the World Health Organization says, “climate change is the number one health threat.” This led to the 97% consensus of scientists believe in anthropogenic global warming “Cook et al. (2013 paper),” which has been “thoroughly refuted in scholarly peer-reviewed journals,” and over ninety seven different … [Read more...]
The Green New Deal dress rehearsal
The Covid-19 lockdown as a blueprint for a permanent economic shutdown to ‘save the Earth’ More than 1.4 million cases of Wuhan Coronavirus and 106,000 deaths in the United States alone have accompanied stay-home lockdowns, businesses bankruptcies, over 40 million unemployed workers, plummeting tax revenues and unprecedented debt. Ongoing rioting, vandalism, arson and looting are compounding problems for many cities and minority communities. But where many see disaster, others see … [Read more...]
Destroying The Environment To Save It
Pseudo-green energy will wreak devastation, pretending to prevent exaggerated climate harm “We had to destroy the village in order to save it.” The infamous Vietnam era quotation may or may not have been uttered by an anonymous US Army major. It may have been misquoted, revised, apocryphal or invented. But it quickly morphed into an anti-war mantra that reflected attitudes of the time. For Virginians and others forced to travel the path of “clean, green, renewable, sustainable” energy, it … [Read more...]
Renewable Failure and Renewable Threats to Wildlife Become a Global Norm
As the Paris climate agreement pushes for more and more renewable installments globally, reports of failure of installed renewables, especially wind and solar, are also becoming increasingly common.Nobody wishes for wind and solar to fail. After all, billions of dollars have been invested in them. I, like many others, desire to see renewables strengthen the existing energy infrastructure globally.Sadly, and inevitably, though, the drawbacks and limitations of wind and solar keep resurfacing, no … [Read more...]
The unintended consequence of the green movement is the creation of more homeless
The green movement has done a great job of stymying the growth of nuclear power generation. That in itself creates an oxymoron. Nuclear is the only known technology to generate zero emission electricity on a continuous uninterruptable basis. With the success the green movement has had on nuclear, it’s now attracting big oil companies to invest huge sums into renewables - wind and solar. There are three main reasons for that kind of investment from “big oil” into renewables. First, it’s a … [Read more...]
America Is Following Germany’s Failed Climate Goals
Germany was the first major economy to make a big shift in its energy mix toward low-carbon sources, but it is failing to meet its climate goals of reducing carbon dioxide emissions even after committing to spend over $580 billion by 2025 to overhaul its energy systems. The nation’s emissions miss should be a “wake-up” call for governments everywhere. Germany stepped up as a “leader on climate change” by phasing out nuclear and pioneered a system of subsidies for wind and solar that sparked a … [Read more...]
Climate Obsession: Blinding Us to Real Environmental Problems
Are there bigger environmental concerns than Climate Change? Certainly. But we don’t hear that from our daily news anchors and bulletins. Why are we obsessed with climate change? Not long ago, our interests were limited only to weather. But in recent decades, climate change has dominated our news columns. There is not a day without news on the coming climate doomsday. The reason for this is simple—climate change has been sold by the mainstream media as the most disastrous environmental … [Read more...]
Why Solar and Wind Are Not the Future
Wind and solar are hailed as the future of our world. Are they? Wind farms were a familiar sight for me as they were an integral part of the landscape near my hometown in southern India. The general assumption was that these windmills would generate a significant amount of electricity to aid the energy sector that was struggling to meet soaring electricity demand. However, the wind farms turned out to be a burden, not a boon. They generated unreliable and expensive electricity that was … [Read more...]