Protesters at the “March for Science,” Earth Day, April 22, 2017. (Photo by Tom Hilton, Flickr CC.)
[Excerpted from the Washington Times]
A red team, blue team match would test the assumptions of man-made global warming.
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) administrator Scott Pruitt wants to adopt a red team, blue team approach to weighing the scientific pros and cons about man-made global warming.
To paraphrase Captain Louis Renault in Casablanca, I’m shocked, shocked to find that politics is going on in climate science. Say it isn’t so that a former senator and vice president was behind the Oscar-winning “An Inconvenient Truth” and now “An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power.”
That a current senator wants corporations, think tanks and scientists who dare question climate orthodoxy prosecuted civilly or criminally under federal racketeering laws.
And that a now-former president tweeted “Climate change is real — #ScienceSaysSo. Call out #climate deniers on Twitter.”
But it is so. …
[Click here to read the rest of this article in the Washington Times explaining why a red team, blue team approach to science issues in government agencies would help to improve the quality of government science while depoliticizing it.]
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