Tucker Carlson’s new documentary Blown Away: The People vs Wind Power, first aired October 22. It’s a devastating critique of the wind-power industry.
The politics, the economics, the energy reliability, the health impacts—these and more figure into Carlson’s analysis. The conclusion: wind power is bad for the environment, bad for the economy, bad for ordinary people, and good only for its owners, who benefit from tax subsidies that make an otherwise unprofitable industry highly profitable. Major wind owner Warren Buffet actually acknowledges that wind power makes no sense financially—except for the credits, that is, tax subsidies.
The documentary points out that wind factories (we at Cornwall Alliance will never call them “farms”) never get built in or near wealthy neighborhoods. They’re located in poorer neighborhoods, where people can’t afford the legal and political actions needed to block them. Instead, they suffer the visual and audible blight from the turbines because of “the exploitation of the weak by the powerful.”
Overdependence on wind contributed to the collapse of the Texas electric grid during the February 2021 cold snap, leaving millions of people without power and even running water (because pumps couldn’t operate).
Wind turbines are devastating to wildlife, including fish and whales, wherever they’re located, on land or at sea. And a new Biden policy permitting the construction of a 1,400 square-mile wind factory offshore from Nantucket threatens to destroy the fishing industry there that has supported families for hundreds of years.
Wind factories kill hundreds of thousands of birds every year, including protected species like Bald and Golden Eagles, and many bats, whose lungs explode due to air pressure generated by the turbine blades, whose tips can move at 200 miles per hour.
Companies that build them are ruthless, using lawsuits and other actions to crush local opposition. And politicians who favor them approve their location “with surgical precision” in politically disfavored areas. “There’s no question this is about punishing rural, conservative voters who don’t see the world the same way as some of their fellow citizens in Manhattan or in Brooklyn,” said Rob NY State Senator Rob Ortt. But opposition can succeed when rural and small-town residents band together. Watch the documentary, and you’ll see how.
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