This month marks the tenth anniversary of “Climategate” – the release of thousands of emails to and from climate scientists who had been (and still are) collaborating and colluding to create a manmade climate crisis that exists in their minds and computer models, but not in the real world. The scandal should have ended climate catastrophism. Instead, it was studiously buried by politicians, scientists, activists, and crony capitalists, who will rake in trillions of dollars from the … [Read more...]
Electrify Everything’ Policies Would Eliminate Gas Heating and Cooking
Originally published in TheInvadingSea.Natural gas and propane serve as excellent low-cost fuels for heating and cooking. Last year, natural gas usage grew faster than renewables in the United States. But advocates of green energy policies would eliminate gas for heating and cooking.According to the US Department of Energy, since 2007, US consumption of natural gas increased by 31 percent, rising from 23 to 30 percent of US primary energy consumption. Gas displaced coal as the preferred fuel for … [Read more...]
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Blames Global Warming for Wildfires
“CALIFORNIA BURNING”Better pour yourselves another cup of decaf, before you read this, California.AOC wouldn't recognize climate change if it were staring her straight in the face.The real cause underlying California’s annual spate of fires is the dearth of workable forestry management practices in Sacramento. That is added to the failure of local government officials to enact and enforce effective zoning restrictions on residential development in fire-prone areas. Sprawling … [Read more...]
When Wolves Infiltrate the Sheepfold: Discerning Climate Truth From Falsehood in Churches
In recent decades, environmental issues have emerged as a major source of concern for our society. Churches, except for a small percentage, have largely remained silent on how Christians should approach and even help overcome the environmental challenges.As a result, Christians have remained susceptible to being deceived by unbiblical principles that demand subscription to radical environmental viewpoints, often antithetical to the biblical doctrines on our relationship with the creation.These … [Read more...]
Developing Countries Must Bail out of the Climate Game
As obvious as it may sound, developing countries need more fast-paced development, not moral policing on matters of energy, development, and environment.The onset of the twenty-first century saw the international community coerce developing nations into adopting economy-choking environmental policies.Earlier environmental laws focused on more tangible and empirically verifiable environmental problems, like deforestation and toxic air and water pollution. But in recent decades, … [Read more...]
Dark, Dusty, and Developing: Climate Control Is the Last Thing We Want
This article was originally published on the Patriot Post on September 30, 2019.Despite decades of rapid economic growth, parts of India (where I live) remain severely underdeveloped.Though India has achieved energy surplus — producing more electricity than it consumes — it has yet to fix the country’s dodgy transmission network. Houses in villages remain unconnected to the main grid, and pockets of cities suffer blackouts from faulty transformers.I encounter literal darkness every day. There … [Read more...]
Rainfall Trends in India Show No Climate Fatigue
Climate is particularly important to farmers in agrarian countries. Drought could mean the difference between life and death.India, for example, is predominantly agrarian. Of the country’s 1.3 billion people, 300 million, nearly a fourth, are poor even by Indian standards, and millions of others are on the borderline. So, agriculture is a big deal.Climate alarmists argue that the world has been progressively warming in recent decades (due to anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions) and that this … [Read more...]
When Christians get Entangled in Climate Idolatry
The climate school strike movement grabbed the spotlight lately, with students across the world protesting against inaction towards the “climate crisis.” The movement’s leader, Greta Thunberg, has found supporters even in the global church leadership.However, in recent years, the church’s support for the climate movement seems to be morphing into a social justice issue that is void of sound Biblical doctrine.Over the past year, Greta’s climate strike movement has drawn huge support from all … [Read more...]
Climate Change and the Battle for People’s Minds: Part 2 of Interview with “Christian Renewal” Magazine
The interview above was first published in the October 12, 2019 issue of Christian Renewal magazine ( and is reproduced by permission.Part one of this interview was published on our website here.From the Ministry to the Climate and Some Points in BetweenYou may have noticed the growing attention to the subject of climate change that continues to captivate the media. That is because a pact was agreed upon by over 250 media outlets to blitz people around the globe with articles about … [Read more...]
Some Cold, Hard Facts About a Hot Issue: Interview from “Christian Renewal” Magazine
The interview below was first published in the September 21, 2019, issue of Christian Renewal magazine ( and is reproduced by permissionWe’ve interviewed and featured the work of Dr. Calvin Beisner before. Some might consider that a strong bias to one side of the “climate change” debate. They would be right. Since the mainstream media has swallowed hook, line and sinker the fanaticism of climate change proponents and activists trumpeting the view that this is THE … [Read more...]
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