Last week, numerous media outlets reported that Germany will extend the lives of three of its nuclear power plants. The move to keep the reactors online, which was opposed by the country’s Green Party, showed that German politicians are recognizing the need to keep reliable generation plants online to assure the country has enough electricity this winter.But another equally important announcement was also made last week that got far less media attention: German Chancellor Olaf Scholz announced … [Read more...]
Economic Realities Dash Biden’s Offshore Wind Plans
President Joe Biden’s plans for offshore industrial wind facilities lining the nation’s coasts have more than a few hurdles to clear before they can become reality.As part of his plan to reduce U.S. greenhouse gas emissions 50 percent below 2005 levels by 2030, Biden has initiated efforts to build 30,000 megawatts of traditional offshore wind facilities (with structures attached to the ocean floor) in federal waters by 2030, and an additional 15,000 megawatts of floating industrial offshore wind … [Read more...]
Get it Right, Washington Post, Climate Change Isn’t Causing a Decline in Coral Reefs
Image: Creative Commons under UnsplashThe Washington Post (WP) published a story detailing how the efforts by a Malaysian “coral gardener,” Anuar Abdulla, to restore coral reefs near his home have resulted in him being consulted on coral restoration efforts globally. Unfortunately, rather than simply delivering well-earned praise to Abdullah for his worthwhile efforts, the WP had to turn the story into another in its ongoing “Climate Solutions” series, blaming the coral decline on climate … [Read more...]
There’s No Natural ‘Carrying Capacity’ for the Human Population: An Essay Inspired by the Happy News that the Human Population Has Reached Eight Billion
Editor’s note: I am delighted to read economist Donald Boudreaux’s high praise of the late Julian Simon in the article below. I read Simon’s The Economics of Population Growth and The Ultimate Resource, plus The Resourceful Earth, which he co-edited with Herman Kahn, as part of research for my book Prospects for Growth: A Biblical View of Population, Resources, and the Future (1988). The original publisher, Crossway Books, suggested asking Simon for an endorsement. … [Read more...]
As Predicted, COP27 Was a Flop Yet Again
Every year, the annual UN climate conference heralds two weeks of intergovernmental pantomime.Without fail, we are told that time is running out, that it’s one minute to midnight, and that it’s the last chance to save the world from doomsday.There is an uncanny sense of déjà vu while global CO2 emissions continue to rise relentlessly and with no sign of slowing down.We at Net Zero Watch have been pointing out for years that every COP passes through the same ritual stages, always ending in … [Read more...]
Canadian Summer Urban Heat Island Effects: Some Results in Alberta
SummaryComparison of rural with urban temperature monitoring sites across Canada during the summers of 1978-2022 shows the expected average nighttime warm bias in urban areas, with a weaker daytime effect. When applied to the Landsat imagery-based diagnoses of increased urbanization over time, 20% of the temperature trends in a small region encompassing Calgary and Edmonton are found to be due to increasing urbanization. Calgary leads the list of Canadian cities with increased urbanization, with … [Read more...]
50-Year U.S. Summer Temperature Trends: ALL 36 Climate Models Are Too Warm
I’ll get right to the results, which are pretty straightforward.As seen in the accompanying plot, 50-year (1973-2022) summer (June/July/August) temperature trends for the contiguous 48 U.S. states from 36 CMIP-6 climate model experiments average nearly twice the warming rate as observed by the NOAA climate division dataset.The 36 models are those cataloged at the KNMI Climate Explorer website, using Tas (surface air temperature), one member per model, for the ssp245 radiative forcing scenario. … [Read more...]
COP-27: A Window Into How The UN Keeps The Poor Poor
Even as we give thanks this season for the wonderful benefits of a freedom-based political and economic system, the UN’s big annual “climate” conference, this year going by the moniker COP-27, has only recently wound up. As with most everything the UN does, there was nothing in this conference for anyone to be thankful for.This year, with the activists’ beloved wind and solar energy sources manifestly failing to solve Europe’s energy crisis, there was little prospect for any major new agreements … [Read more...]
De-Urbanization of Surface Temperatures with the Landsat-Based “Built-Up” Dataset
A relatively new global dataset of urbanization changes over the 40-year period 1975-2014 based upon Landsat data is used to determine the average effect urbanization has had on surface temperatures. A method is presented to compute the magnitude of the Urban Heat Island (UHI) effect on temperatures using the example of summertime 09 UTC (early morning) Integrated Surface Database (ISD) hourly data (mostly from airports) over the period 1973-2022 by comparing urbanization differences to … [Read more...]
How the War on Nitrous Oxide Threatens Global Food Supply
An extremely dangerous trend in public policy is growing around the world: demanding reduced emissions, mainly from agriculture, of nitrous oxide (N2O) because it contributes to global warming. Indeed, we're told, every molecule of nitrous oxide in the atmosphere has 230 times the warming potential of every molecule of carbon dioxide---and governments all over the world concluded long ago, rightly or wrongly, that we must cut carbon dioxide emissions to reduce global warming. Clearly, then, it … [Read more...]
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