The elephant in the room that no one wants to discuss is that crude oil is the foundation of our materialistic society as it is the basis of all products and fuels demanded by the 8 billion people on this planet. As a reality check for those pursuing net-zero emissions, wind and solar do different things than crude oil. Unreliable renewables, like wind turbines and solar panels, only generate occasional electricity but manufacture no products for society. Crude oil has virtually never been … [Read more...]
Can the Government Create a Green Hydrogen Fuel Industry?
World leaders promote hydrogen as a possible low-emissions fuel for transportation and industry. Nations have announced hundreds of billions of dollars in subsidies to support development and supply of hydrogen. But will governments be able to create a new green hydrogen fuel industry?When hydrogen burns, the only combustion product is water vapor. Net Zero advocates, such as the International Energy Agency (IEA), propose that green hydrogen be used as fuel in place of natural gas and coal in … [Read more...]
Mr. Bean Was Right – and So Was Toyota
When auto (even EV driving) enthusiast Rowan Atkinson – Mr. Bean to his fans – last June wrote in The Guardian that there are “sound environmental reasons” why “keeping your old petrol car may be better than buying an EV,” he was vilified as a eco-traitor.Atkinson had added, “We’re realizing that a wider range of options need to be explored if we’re going to properly address the very serious environmental problems that our use of the motor car has created.” These include, he said, hydrogen fuel … [Read more...]
No Climate Crisis for Thriving Honeybees
Writing anything good about climate change runs the risk of the writer getting lynched metaphorically by the online enforcers of a cultist apocalyptic narrative. For years, doomsayers have insisted that polar bears are in danger of extinction because of man-made warming even as experts have shown that populations have actually increased. So much so, that the native Inuit people in Arctic Canada want an increase in hunting quotas.Image: Creative Commons under UnsplashLikewise, I’ve documented how … [Read more...]
Wind and Solar Slaughtering India’s Iconic Bird
By commissioning expensive and inefficient wind and solar electric generating facilities, India may have dug the grave of its own efforts to save the critically endangered great Indian bustard. Erected to avert a faux climate crisis, the so-called renewable machines and their attendant transmission lines are helping to drive one of Earth’s largest flying birds to the brink of extinction.Photo: Creative Commons under UnsplashAvian aficionados such as myself have long bemoaned prioritizing wind … [Read more...]
‘Demographic Warming’: Humans Increasingly Choose to Live Where It’s Warmer
This is the second of a series of articles in which Cornwall Alliance board member and senior fellow Dr. Roy W. Spencer explains the importance of distinguishing urban heat island effect from global temperature increase and of recognizing that by choosing to live in warmer regions of the world and in cities rather than in cooler and rural or wilderness areas, people demonstrate their preference for warmer temperatures. You can find the first article here, and the second here. and the third … [Read more...]
Examples from our New UAH Urban Heat Island Dataset
This is the second of a series of articles in which Cornwall Alliance board member and senior fellow Dr. Roy W. Spencer explains the importance of distinguishing urban heat island effect from global temperature increase and of recognizing that by choosing to live in warmer regions of the world and in cities rather than in cooler and rural or wilderness areas, people demonstrate their preference for warmer temperatures. You can find the first article here, and the second here.Since few people who … [Read more...]
Coal’s Life-Saving Role Ignored by Climate-Obsessed Media
On a recent cold winter day, residents of Munich were surprised to see people skiing in the street. Yes, that is how much snow fell in the German city and other parts of Europe during the early winter of 2023-24.Image: Creative Commons under UnsplashDespite a disruption to both ground and air travel, the Germans survived and most had access to heating and basic utilities. But not everyone in our world is as blessed as those living in Western economies that were built on fossil fuels.Billions in … [Read more...]
Climate Agenda Makes Vital CO2 a Dangerous Pollutant
To get some sense of powerful political agenda influences on global climate and environmental policies, it's instructive to revisit the acid rain hysteria of the late 1960s, which led quite directly to the demonization of carbon dioxide (CO2) as a "climate pollutant."Photo: Creative Commons under UnsplashThis second manufactured scare continues today, thanks to active assistance from "experts" who should — many probably do — know better.Both agendas have involved the same sorts of … [Read more...]
Crude Oil Isn’t Going Away Soon
We’ve become a very materialistic society over the last 200 years, and the world has populated from 1 to 8 billion because of more than 6,000 useful products and different fuels for planes, ships, trucks, cars, military, and the space program made from crude oil that did not exist before the 1800’s.Image: Creative Commons under Unsplash. As a refresher for those pursuing net-zero emissions, wind and solar do different things than crude oil.Today’s policymakers do not understand that everything … [Read more...]
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