I just received word from Joe Bast at the Heartland Institute that Dr. Robert M. Carter, a palaeontologist, stratigrapher, marine geologist and environmental scientist with more than 30 years professional experience and one of the world's leading experts on climate change, died today, several days after suffering a heart attack. I met Bob first through correspondence, finding him always ready and patient to educate me, a non-scientist, in the ins and outs of climate science. Over the past few … [Read more...]
To Magnify Apparent Climate Risk, Magnify Temperature Data
In the early 1990s, working partly as a freelance book editor, I had the privilege of being the main managing editor of Julian L. Simon's (edited) The State of Humanity (Blackwell, 1995). One of my responsibilities was turning raw data from the book's 60 authors into graphs so people could grasp them better. But the graphs could enhance understanding only if they handled the data objectively, and one of the things Julian drummed into me was that whenever possible a graph should have a zero … [Read more...]
Study Showing High Climate Sensitivity Deeply Flawed
If you run in the right circles, you might encounter someone who breathlessly tells us that the downward trend in estimates of climate sensitivity (how much added warmth comes from added atmospheric CO2) got turned around by a new study in Nature Climate Change, and we're back to a best estimate of Equilibrium Climate Sensitivity (ECS) of 3.0 for doubled CO2. That would indeed appear to be a plausible interpretation of the study. But the study itself is badly flawed, as climate sensitivity … [Read more...]
Long-term Climate Data Show Arctic Fauna Not Endangered by Global Warming
The photogenic Arctic megafauna (polar bears, walruses, and seals) that global warming alarmists use to gin up public empathy for their campaign against global warming have survived far greater temperature swings than anything the IPCC predicts should come from human activity, concludes a new study. Oh, well. The alarmists will surely keep using them anyway. Featured Image Courtesy of Michelle Meiklejohn/Freedigitaliphotos.net. … [Read more...]
Ding, Dong, “The Pause” Is Dead—Or Is It?
In the midst of a strong El Niño, Lord Christopher Monckton of Brenchley reports that the "pause" in global warming, last counted at 18 years 9 months (through October 2015), shortened by December's end to 18 years 8 months. "The Pause" may continue to shorten through 2016 if, as usual, the second in a pair of El Niño years is warmer than the first, and 2016 turns out to be, as Roy Spencer predicts, the warmest in the satellite record (which excludes the probably warmer 1930s and the definitely … [Read more...]
Study Attributes to “Climate Change” what Really Came from a 2012 Greenland Weather Event
Chelsea Harvey in reported in the Washington Post: “Rising global temperatures may be affecting the Greenland ice sheet — and its contribution to sea-level rise — in more serious ways tha[n] scientists imagined, a new study finds.” What’s up with this? The concern is about the “firn”—a porous sheet of snow that slowly freezes into ice over time as more and more snow accumulates atop it but can absorb melt water in the meantime. According to the study, a layer of ice several meters thick has … [Read more...]
Is Global Warming to Blame for Spread of “Tropical” Diseases?
The New York Times has just published an article claiming that global warming is (partly) to blame for the spread of various "tropical" diseases to the U.S. and other areas where previously they had been eradicated or had never existed. Donald G. McNeil Jr. begins his article titled "U.S. Becomes More Vulnerable to Tropical Diseases Like Zika" thus: Tropical diseases---some of them never before seen in the United States---are marching northward as climate change lets mosquitoes and ticks expand … [Read more...]
Two Great Scientists
Great introduction to two great scientists. Roy Spencer is a Senior Fellow of the Cornwall Alliance, and John Christy is his research partner (and superior) at the University of Alabama, Huntsville. … [Read more...]
Are Global Warmists Fudging Temperature Data?
COP21 in Paris ended with a legally unenforceable but politically dangerous agreement among about 180 countries to reduce their CO2 emissions or slow their growth. Here in the United States Senator Bernie Sanders (D-VT) stands by his claim that manmade global warming is our greatest security threat, while President Obama treats it as a greater threat than radical Islamic terrorism, a nuclear Iran, a thermonuclear North Korea, and restive Russia and China. The mainstream news media continue to … [Read more...]
Inside Big Green’s Sausage Factory
When my wife was a student at Hillsdale College __ years ago (Nope! Not telling!), some student friends worked in a sausage factory nearby. They literally waded in hip boots in vast vats of various parts of cattle and pig carcasses headed for massive grinders. “I’ll never eat sausage again!” was their common reaction. That’s not to say (properly cooked) sausage isn’t really safe, but it gives some idea how the saying arose that you never want to watch legislation being crafted because it’s a … [Read more...]
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