A mountain of evidence shows climate alarmists never learn from their mistakes, be they clear misstatements of facts or repeatedly failed prognostications.Why should they? The press lets climate alarmists get away with making more false claims than any other group on any other topic, including the efficacy of the COVID vaccines in keeping people from catching the disease or requiring hospitalization. Climate alarmists have nothing to fear from so-called fact-checkers in corporate or social media … [Read more...]
Fossil Fuels Surge After U.N. Conference
It has been a little more than a month since the United Nations climate meeting at Glasgow, yet global use of fossil fuels has increased rapidly. For instance, U.S. President Joe Biden canceled domestic oil projects and vowed to stop funding for international fossil fuel projects. But as fuel prices rose, Biden responded to his self-induced energy insecurity by releasing 50 million barrels of oil from the reserves and even called for an increase in domestic oil … [Read more...]
You May Want to Wish for Coal in Your Christmas Stocking
Adding to already rough and rising winter energy prices, Santa may have little choice but to pass along inflationary gift delivery reindeer flatulence fees.Yes, if he and his formerly merry elves didn’t already have problems enough with sky-high supply chain costs and delays, Democrat grinches are pushing a penalty tax on methane producers, Rudolph presumably included.To this end, a recently passed U.S. House bill would impose an escalating “fee” on oil and gas industry methane emission releases … [Read more...]
Mad Hatters, March Hares, and Mad Laws
One hundred years ago it was illegal to kick back with a beer, celebrate with champagne, or sip a martini even in the privacy of your own home. “National prohibition of alcohol (1920–33) — the ‘noble experiment’,” wrote economist Mark Thornton, “was undertaken to reduce crime and corruption, solve social problems, reduce the tax burden created by prisons and poorhouses, and improve health and hygiene in America.” In truth, it did none of these things, benefitting only “bootleggers, crime … [Read more...]
The East Slams the West’s Climate ‘Colonialism’
Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s explosive comments are not surprising to anyone who has been closely observing the opposition of India and China to western pressure for adopting climate policies contrary to the two countries’ economic objectives.“The colonial mindset hasn’t gone,” said Modi at a Constitution Day event. “We are seeing from developed nations that the path that made them developed is being closed for developing nations… If we talk about absolute cumulative (carbon) … [Read more...]
In Court Filing, Facebook Admits ‘Fact-Checks’ Are Nothing More Than Opinion
Facebook has admitted in a court of law that such fact-checks are not factual at all, but merely opinions.People send me stuff.As we have previously reported, journalist John Stossel is suing Facebook after Facebook’s ‘fact-checkers’ labeled climate change information that Stossel posted as “false and misleading”. In the middle of all this is the nefarious website “Climate Feedback” which has a bunch of climate zealots that write up what they claim are “fact-checks” for articles, videos, … [Read more...]
India and China Set Aside Differences to Resist Carbon Imperialism
India and China have come together to resist the common enemy of carbon imperialism, despite a sour relationship fraught with a deadly border skirmish. At the COP26 climate meeting in Glasgow, leaders from the developed West were hellbent on imposing harsher measures to reduce emissions of carbon dioxide on developing nations. However, India and China, with the support of few other lower-to-middle-income countries like Iran, successfully resisted the pressure. … [Read more...]
How Our Government Robs Us Blind
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