Last week I posted a blog piece answering the objections of one Christian college faculty member, a theology professor, to our Open Letter on Climate Change to the People, their Local Representatives, the State Legislatures and Governors, the Congress, and the President of the United States of America because he thought the world’s poor would be hard hit by manmade global warming. Another negative response came from a professor in the physics and engineering department of a different Christian … [Read more...]
Whose Policies Kill More People: ISIS…or Greenpeace?
Approximately 200,000 people have died due to global terrorism in the last 10 years. During the same time, many millions of people (mostly women and children) have died due to policies promoted by Greenpeace and other “green” organizations (e.g. anti-DDT, anti-golden rice, anti-fossil fuel). I’ve said it before…I don’t really care where our energy comes from…as long as it is abundant and affordable. Until someone comes up with an alternative energy source with those two characteristics, … [Read more...]
On Climate and Economic Policy, What do the World’s Poor Need?
Recently the Cornwall Alliance sent to over 2,900 faculty members of Christian colleges and universities around the country an email asking them to consider endorsing our An Open Letter on Climate Change to the People, their Local Representatives, the State Legislatures and Governors, the Congress, and the President of the United States of America. The email had the name of Dr. Roy Spencer, Cornwall Alliance Senior Fellow and Principal Research Scientist in Climatology at the University of … [Read more...]
Sixpence None the Richer
Ever dreamed of living like royalty? Count your blessings: If you can afford this magazine (WORLD, where this article was originally published), you're already much better off economically than most kings ever were. Reginald Labbe, an English farmer better off than most in his time, died in the year 1293. His will listed the following possessions: one cow and one calf two sheep and three lambs three hens a bushel and a half (about 90 pounds) of wheat a seam (about 400 pounds) of barley a … [Read more...]
Georgetown University Climate Symposium Includes Prominent Neopagan Speaker
Wish I’d heard of Georgetown University Berkley Center’s “Symposium on Religion and Climate Change“ earlier. Perhaps Cornwall Alliance could have had someone there to offer a contrasting perspective---something most meetings seem rather loathe to entertain. Alas, I only learned of it about an hour before it was to begin. Aside from the usual problem of such conferences having scientific blinders on, assiduously avoiding the need to interact with the serious scientific objections to climate … [Read more...]
How does Climate Alarmism Drive Human Trafficking?
Some climate alarmists believe global warming leads to more human trafficking. The truth is quite different. To prevent what they believe is dangerous manmade global warming, climate alarmists want to reduce CO2 emissions. This requires reducing fossil fuel consumption, which can be achieved partly by reducing consumption per person, but also by reducing the number of persons consuming. That requires reducing population growth and eventually population itself. This becomes a rationale for … [Read more...]
What Threatens Liberty and Increases Abortion, Human Trafficking, Government Debt, and Poverty?
Conservatives, Christian and non-Christian alike, share concerns about civil and religious liberty, abortion and the sanctity of human life, human trafficking and pornography and how they damage families, fiscal responsibility in government, and poverty. What many don’t know is that there are links between climate alarmism and every one of these issues. Let me take them in reverse order. First, climate alarmism undermines fiscal responsibility in government. Not only do governments … [Read more...]
Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi Gets It: Forget ‘Climate Change’, Energy Empowers the Poor
Speaking September 29 at the UN General Assembly, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi made it perfectly clear: India will not stop or even slow its people's rise out of poverty to satisfy the global warming elites of the West. Modi told the UN that any climate agreement acceptable to India must function "without affecting our ability to meet the development aspirations of humanity." And India intends to meet those aspirations by providing the abundant, affordable, reliable electricity without … [Read more...]
Obama in Alaska: He Didn’t Let Kivalina’s Crisis Go to Waste
The Arctic, like the rest of the world, experiences natural cycles, and some of them can be pretty radical. While most of the world enjoys a pretty stable 24-hour cycle of sunrise and sunset, with the sun visible roughly half of each day, a little longer in summer, a little shorter in winter, the Arctic (like the Antarctic) goes from 24-hour sunlight in mid-summer to 24-hour darkness in mid-winter. Long-term geologic records indicate that it also experiences larger swings from warmer to colder … [Read more...]
Global Warming: A Priority for the Rich and Free
Folks like those who stage events like the "Walk Against Warming" illustrated above think fighting climate change is a high priority. President Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry say climate change is the greatest threat facing the world. But United Nations-sponsored worldwide polling suggests that how people answer the question, "How high a priority is fighting global warming?" depends significantly on their economic condition. Data for all countries and country groups, ages, education … [Read more...]
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