Guest article by Joakim BookI was watching the tide today and thought of climate change. Yes, they are different phenomena; the tide is predictable, well-known, and reverses itself like clockwork roughly every six hours, whereas climate change is unpredictable, uncertain, and (still) irreversible. Nevertheless, it serves as a relevant illustration of what we are often overlooking in the climate debate. The tide moves continuously; slowly and gradually, not suddenly or … [Read more...]
The Ignorant World and What to Do About It
Guest column by Joakim BookA spectre is haunting the Western world – the spectre of a grossly mistaken understanding of the world.British kids have nightmares about the climate. Half of French respondents think it likely that climate change will cause “the extinction of the human race.” American teachers coddle students who have panic attacks when wildfires rage somewhere on the planet. Eco-anxiety has clearly gripped the Western world, but what’s worse is that most people … [Read more...]
Playing Fast and Loose with Numbers
Guest article by Joakim BookJournalism is hard. To portray the world accurately to a layman audience without delving into the complexities and nuances of the universe we inhabit, writers must always simplify, explain, and make difficult content relatable for their readers. You can do this well and comprehensively, and you can do it poorly. Often, writers simplify and give concrete examples with the best of intentions, even though I don’t put it past some of the activist writers out there to … [Read more...]
Oil and Gas Kindle Hope of Economic Progress in South America
South America has been a major producer of oil and gas, with the fossil fuel sector contributing significantly to economic growth. Its emergence out of poverty will depend not just on production of fossil fuels but also on their use to drive an industrialized economy.Recent developments in the oil and gas sectors indicate that some of the struggling economies might benefit from the production and export of oil and gas. Here is a look at some of those developments in 2021 that offer a glimmer of … [Read more...]
The Good and the Bad of Netflix Documentary “Seaspiracy”
Ali Tabrizi’s Seaspiracy is a popular and controversial new Netflix documentary which details overfishing and what to do about it.Tabrizi brings many important points to light. However, he draws several questionable conclusions. In particular, his “final solution” to overfishing — a real problem — is mistaken. And, like most environmental films, Seaspiracy misses the real “whale in the room.”Here’s a survey, with assessments.The Taiji Dolphin Hunting TraditionPeople in Taiji, … [Read more...]
Troubled by “Social Justice” and the “Woke” Movement? Here’s Help!
“Social justice.” Who in America today isn’t aware of how controversial that term is?It’s at the center of a movement that is turning this country upside down. Call it the “Woke” movement, or “Woke Progressivism,” or “Cultural Marxism” with its “Critical Race Theory,” “Critical Gender Theory,” or just plain old “Critical Theory”—by whatever name, it’s tearing apart families, churches, and the nation as people line up on opposite sides of a very basic question:What does it mean to do justice, … [Read more...]
Why I Am a Climate Realist
In 2008, I was in my early 20s and about to complete my undergraduate degree in engineering. Despite being in a remote part of Asia with no Internet facility—except for the Internet cafes—the news surrounding global warming still managed to reach most of us.Being an ardent lover of the environment and passionate about conservation, I decided to pursue a career in environmental sciences, especially given the “rising problem” of global warming.Al Gore’s 2006 climate documentary An Inconvenient … [Read more...]
Learning the Wrong Lesson in Texas?
As we all know, terrible ice storms recently in the Lone Star state froze many of their wind turbines and froze some of the gas pipelines, knocking out electricity for millions at a critical time. Some people even froze to death.This was a tragedy, but despite the utter failure of “green” energy sources during the crisis, some on the left tried to use it to blame the climate alarmism skeptics for the debacle.For example, Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) said that the … [Read more...]
Electric vehicle subsidies and other fantasies
Electric vehicles (EVs) are the future. Everyone will want one because they’re emission-free, ecologically responsible, and more affordable every year. That’s why GM, Volvo, and other manufacturers will soon be making only EVs.Or so we’re told.Some people have high disposable incomes and do most of their driving locally. For them buying an EV may be a viable choice.Why do the rest of us need mandates and subsidies to “persuade” us to buy EVs, instead of internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles? … [Read more...]
Record Cold of 2021 Reminds Us: Be Wary of Climate Predictions and Energy Priorities
Japan reported 13 deaths and hundreds of hospitalizations in the past week due to the intense snowfall in the country. Residents in Spain were in awe over the record snowfall in their streets. Here in India, Delhi experienced one of its harshest winters in recent memory, with intense cold waves. Does this disprove global warming? Certainly not! However, the extreme cold events bring about questions over the media narrative that climate change is causing milder winters and temperatures … [Read more...]
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