Today I received this via email:I have seen a meme going around on Facebook that says: "Just so you know, Legitimate scientists tend to publish their research in academic journals, not on YouTube." What is your take on this? Is does come from a very strong Democrat supporter.The truth is that legitimate scientists publish in both places.However, scientists closely associated with the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the central figures of which are alarmists (and many of them … [Read more...]
Biden’s Climate Plan Would Put Us On The Road To Serfdom
Recently a colleague of mine, David Wojick, Ph.D., opined that presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden’s climate and energy plans are full of promises Biden can’t keep. Wojick is correct in the sense that Biden makes many promises he can’t enact through executive actions alone. Unfortunately, I fear Wojick is being far too optimistic about whether Congress would go along with the crazy climate initiatives Biden has promised.Even if the presidency and both houses of Congress fall … [Read more...]
The Final Years of Majuro—Are a Long Way Off
Refuting climate alarmists’ counterfactual claims is like playing whack-a-mole. Smack this one here, and ten others pop up there, and there, and there, and ….In the climate apocalyptic video propaganda category, the newest seems to be The Final Years of Majuro, posted to YouTube August 4.The film tells us, with all the authority of “science,” that the Marshall Islands (of which Majuro is the capital city), will disappear if global average temperature (GAT) rises beyond 1.5°C above pre-industrial … [Read more...]
A carbon tax would harm the poor
I recently gave a talk to a local group of outstanding young people in Delaware who aspire to be leaders in and around our state. I presented them with observed, empirical facts: Delaware’s climate is not changing disastrously. Restricting carbon dioxide will have little impact on our climate.Nevertheless, many still wrote to me to say they firmly believe the most significant problem facing Delaware is the adverse impact the consumption of fossil fuels has on our environment and that limiting … [Read more...]
Muddled Approach Could Jeopardize U.S. Energy Future
Presidential candidate Joe Biden has introduced a $2 trillion Clean Energy Plan.Besides missing out on providing information about how the proposed transitions to “clean technology” would work, the extreme shift towards a fossil-free energy sector reveals the volatility in Biden’s approach.Fossil Fuel, Economy, and Radical EnvironmentalismEnergy sectors are the backbone of any economy. In the U.S., fossil fuels have been singularly responsible for fueling American industries, which in turn … [Read more...]
Ross McKitrick: All those warming-climate predictions suddenly have a big, new problem
One of the most important numbers in the world goes by the catchy title of Equilibrium Climate Sensitivity, or ECS. It is a measure of how much the climate responds to greenhouse gases. More formally, it is defined as the increase, in degrees Celsius, of average temperatures around the world, after doubling the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and allowing the atmosphere and the oceans to adjust fully to the change. The reason it’s important is that it is the ultimate justification for … [Read more...]
Is Global Warming Harming Great Lakes and Minnesota?
Recently a friend of the Cornwall Alliance wrote us saying, I saw a very concerning rise claimed for the Great Lakes surface temps—not tenths of a degree but closer to 10. We worry for first time in my 7 decades about migration into Minnesota of poisonous species, death of favorite tree species, etc. What are the actual data regarding warming---whether of the air or of the waters---of the Great Lakes area?For the last 10 years I have been consulting with U.S. grain growing interests, and I use … [Read more...]
Dr. Jim Steele to Join Dr. Cal Beisner on Facebook Live Stream July 21, 7 pm!
Dr. Jim Steele, author of Ocean Health—Is there an "Acidification" Problem? and Landscapes and Cycles, will be joining us tomorrow, Tuesday July 21, for our Facebook Live Series "From the Stacks."Dr. Steele and Dr. Beisner will discuss why fears of “ocean acidification” are mistaken, how the chemical and biological processes of the oceans regulate seawater pH so it remains healthy for marine life, and why attempting to prevent “ocean acidification” by cutting fossil fuel use not only won’t … [Read more...]
If 2020 Is the Warmest Year … So What?
While 2020 will be at or near record-warmth globally, this is not something we should be particularly alarmed about.With COVID-19 and demonstrations taking center stage in news coverage, it is easy to forget that we are all dying from climate change, anyway … or so we have been told. The recent claim at that 2020 will likely be the warmest year on record (globally) leads one to ask: So what?The “warmest year” is typically only hundredths of a degree warmer than … [Read more...]
India Crafts Fossil-Fuel Pathway to Secure its Future
India is on the way to become a fossil fuel-based energy powerhouse of the 21st century.India’s developmental goals for the future are quite ambitious. They ought to be: From tackling the surging poverty rates to providing affordable utilities, the country faces a steep challenge. The key to achieving any of its developmental goals is a strong energy sector. India is the third largest energy consuming nation and is following the fossil fuel pathway (like the West did during the 20th century) to … [Read more...]
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