EN: Dr. Roy Spencer serves thoughtfully on the Cornwall Alliance Board. What follows is a response to Gavin Schmidt’s blog post at RealClimate.org entitled Spencer’s Shenanigans in which he takes issue with my claims in Global Warming: Observations vs. Climate Models. As I read through his criticism, he seems to be trying too hard to refute my claims while using weak (and even non-existent) evidence.To summarize my claims regarding the science of global warming:In Gavin’s post, he makes the … [Read more...]
Why Not to Worry about Farming’s Contribution to Global Warming
For decades the primary way environmentalists concerned about manmade global warming have advocated to slow it has been to reduce human emissions of the “greenhouse gas” carbon dioxide (mainly from burning coal, oil, and natural gas for energy). Lately they have focused increasingly on contributions from two other “greenhouse gases,” primarily from agriculture—methane (CH4) from livestock flatulence, and nitrous oxide (N2O) from chemical fertilizers.Why? Because CH4’s forcing effect (the amount … [Read more...]
Prayer for Revival Based on Psalm 8
The following is a guest article by T. M. MooreImage: Creative Commons under Unsplash It was because God so loved the world (the cosmos) that He sent Jesus for its redemption.Psalm 8 reminds us that God has filled the world, from the vault of heaven to the most helpless babe in arms, with His majesty, splendor, glory, and might, the awareness of which is powerful even to silence the adversaries of the Lord.In the midst of this glorious splendor and beauty, God has appointed human beings as … [Read more...]
Here’s a Real Superhero for Your Kids to Imitate!
Image: Creative Commons under UnsplashBillions of people owe him thanks. Hardly any have heard of him.He worked patiently, tirelessly, in dirt and grime, unknown to almost everyone. But he’s one of the most important people who’ve ever lived.Of models I hope my grandkids will follow, he’s among the top. Not that they’d do the same kind of work, but that they’d cultivate the same self-discipline, the same determination to serve others, the same humility.In the United States, he won the … [Read more...]
Sri Lanka: Canary in the Environmentalist Coal Mine
Last year the Cornwall Alliance reported on our blog that Sri Lanka was headed for serious trouble. Now, sadly, our prediction is coming true.The Associated Press (AP) calls Sri Lanka “a country hurtling towards bankruptcy, with hardly any money to import gasoline, milk, cooking gas and toilet paper.” In late June its prime minister said its economy had “collapsed.” Both he and President Gotabaya Rajapaksa agreed to resign in the face of mass protests that included crowds occupying their … [Read more...]
Cancel Mom’s Grocery Bag Misinformation
I don’t deliberately avoid organic foods or markets, but I don’t seek them out either. Claims that organic food tastes better or is more nutritious are not supported by evidence and certainly don’t justify the far higher prices. Mostly, I’m put off by assertions that organic food is pesticide-free, safer, and more planet-friendly. Those assertions are simply false advertising; deliberate misinformation.Mom’s Organic Market shopping bags provide an excellent example. They’re emblazoned with six … [Read more...]
Floods Bring Joy to Parched Tropical Lands
Floods are bad. Whether you are rich or poor, sudden floods can cause widespread damage to life and property. The impacts of Hurricane Katrina and Harvey still linger in the mind.During severe floods, families may lose property they’ve held for generations. In the worst cases they may lose family members. Farmers lose livestock, and businesses suffer long-lasting damage. Though insurance covers some losses, the damage has a lasting impact on livelihoods.But in parts of the world prone to long … [Read more...]
Can Green Energy Cause a Global Food Shortage?
China is one of the world’s largest food producers. Recently an acute power shortage there reduced food output. This sent markets into panic. Severe global food shortages and increased prices could follow.What caused China’s power shortage? Over-reliance on renewable energy. It led to insufficient and unreliable electricity generation. That harmed domestic food production and global food security.Many people condemn coal. They espouse “green” policies. But these lead to power blackouts. And … [Read more...]
The Perils of Idolizing Organic Farming in Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka is on a path to agricultural collapse. Its president, Gotabaya Rajapaksa, declared an economic emergency on August 31, 2021.Why? One reason is a bizarre agricultural policy. In April, Sri Lanka’s cabinet “approved a ban on importation of chemical fertilizers and other agrochemicals in the bid to become the first country ever to practice organic-only agriculture.” It requires all farming to be organic within 10 years. This puts farmers in the country in a dreadful situation.World Famous … [Read more...]
Beyond Industries: Why Half a Billion Other Indians Need Fossil Fuels
India’s population is nearing 1.4 billion and plays an important role in the global economy. Industry, employing about three-fifths of the Indian workforce, and agriculture, employing the other two-fifths, are the twin engines of India’s soaring economy.Both sectors depend on fossil fuels, and the demand for fossil fuels in India is unlikely to diminish anytime soon. The agricultural sector in particular is completely dependent on fossil fuel-based crop enhancement systems.Indian agriculture … [Read more...]