Image: Creative Commons under UnsplashRecently headlines in mainstream media such as the BBC, CNN, Forbes, and The Washington Post blared the consistent message that July 4, 2023 was the hottest day in history, or at least in the past 125,000 years. The headlines and stories show just how gullible the media is, or alternatively, that they are so wedded to the climate crisis narrative that they would publish a story they know is impossible to verify and is probably untrue.The Washington … [Read more...]
The Religious Cult of Climate Catastrophism
The following is a guest article by Andrew Montford.I have been working in climate and energy for nearly 15 years, and it’s fair to say that it’s not often I find something that makes me radically change the way I look at the domain. But a new book, by Andy A West, has done just that.The Grip of Culture makes the case that climate catastrophism is cultural – akin to religion or one of the extreme political movements that have assailed the world from time to time. This is not an entirely new … [Read more...]
Wrong, AgFunder News, Climate Change Is Not Harming Crop Productivity
The following is a guest article by Linnea Lueken.A recent post by AgFunder News, a news site that covers “foodtech” and “agtech” startups and venture capital topics, reports that climate change is harming the growth in crop productivity. This is false. The post largely parrots claims made in the latest U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Sixth Synthesis Report that climate change threatens food production. However, actual global food production data show no sign that crop production … [Read more...]
The European War On Food Ignores Water Pollution
According to the World Health Organization, 31 million Europeans have no access to public sanitation, and 48 million do not have piped water at home. At least 300,000 Europeans follow San Francisco’s practice of defecating openly – but in the countryside rather than on public streets. But just as in the United States, water quality has taken a back seat to “climate change.”On another front, the European Commission has adopted a “Sustainable EU Food System,” an initiative that intends to set … [Read more...]
Surging New England Energy Prices: No Surprise
New England home heating and electricity prices are on the rise with no end in sight. Consumers paid record-high energy bills last winter, even though the winter was not unusually cold. Shortages of natural gas and green energy policies will drive New England prices higher and raise the chance of electricity blackouts. Residential energy bills in New England this year were the highest in history. The combination of electricity and natural gas heating bills exceeded $1,000 per month for an … [Read more...]
China, Russia, Oil, Gas, Coal, and Climate
The relationship between China and Russia poses the greatest danger faced by America and the West since the Hitler-Stalin Pact in 1939 initiated WWII. If alarm bells are not ringing all across Washington, DC, they should be. China was already a global power based on its expanding economy, modernizing military and diplomatic reach, but the burgeoning relations with Moscow provide Beijing with renewed energy, literally and figuratively.What does that mean for the rest of the world?The … [Read more...]
Those Attacks on Gas Stoves Aren’t Really about Health
Image: Creative Commons under UnsplashEarlier this year, the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) announced that indoor gas stoves emitted harmful pollution. Several studies claim that the use of gas can cause respiratory illness. The CPSC is considering restrictions on gas stoves, including possible bans in new residential construction. But attacks on gas stoves are based on questionable science and are largely driven by concerns not related to health.The CPSC has reportedly been … [Read more...]
FERC’s Role in the Offshore Wind Stampede
I am looking at a fat study titled “The Benefit and Urgency of Planned Offshore Transmission: Reducing the Costs of and Barriers to Achieving U.S. Clean Energy Goals." The term FERC occurs a whopping 92 times. Not surprisingly the 103-page report is mistitled. It is actually about the onshore transmission of offshore wind power, not offshore transmission. The urgency is that the present power system cannot handle all that offshore juice coming ashore. FERC is in the crosshairs because they are … [Read more...]
Where Can You Find Peace and Safety?
Image: Creative Commons under UnsplashIn a world where everyone craves “peace and safety,” they are looking everywhere else but where it is truly found – and so wind up with neither. Our present world is in deep trouble far beyond merely the weather or the nastiest flu season in living memory. It is saddled with many juvenile political fantasies overwhelmed with economic malaise thanks to the abject legalism connected to those same political fantasies. Closely connected, our all-knowing … [Read more...]
The Real Promise of COP 27: African Energy can Build Africa and Save Europe
Fresh from hosting a sold-out African Energy Week, African Energy Chamber President NJ Ayuk announced that “I am going to COP 27 because I believe if Africa is not at the table, it will be on the menu.” This first Council of the Parties to convene in Africa since 2011 may well signal a turning of the United Nations’ goals away from its rigid anti-fossil fuels crusade.Ayuk, an energy lawyer and deal maker in petroleum and power, is perhaps the continent’s most visible champion of granting … [Read more...]
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